Dpcm, it's official: museums, exhibitions, cinemas and theaters closed until Jan. 15

Official: Dec. 3 dpcm extends closure of cultural venues until Jan. 15. Lockdown for museums, exhibitions, cinemas, theaters, concerts. Archives and a little libraries open.

Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte signed the Dec. 3 dpcm: the text was published a few minutes ago on the government website. For culture, the measures that were already in the draft are confirmed: museums, exhibitions, cinemas, theaters remain closed, concerts and live performances suspended. Only timid openings for archives, which return to full operation, and for libraries, which can offer services by reservation. The measures take effect Dec. 4 and remain in effect until Jan. 15, 2021.

The measures are contained in Paragraph 10 of Article 1: Paragraph (m) states that “performances open to the public in theaters, concert halls, cinemas and other spaces, including outdoor spaces, are suspended,” while paragraph (r) states that “exhibitions and services of opening to the public of museums and other cultural institutions and places referred to in Article101 of the Code of Cultural Heritage and Landscape, referred to in Legislative Decree Jan. 22, 2004, no. 42, with the exception of libraries where the relevant services are offered by reservation and archives, subject to compliance with measures to contain the epidemic emergency.”

Other measures that go into the dpcm permanently include: ban on travel in and out of autonomous regions and provinces other than one’s own between Dec. 21 and Jan. 6, ban on travel between municipalities on Dec. 25, 26 and Jan. 1 (however, return to one’s residence is allowed, provided is not a second home), closure of ski resorts until Jan. 6 (from Jan. 7 therefore they will reopen), suspension of all cruises departing, calling or arriving at Italian ports from Jan. 21 to Jan. 6, opening of stores until 9 p.m. (shopping centers however remain closed on holidays and pre-holidays), return of school attendance to at least 75 percent starting Jan. 7, opening of bars, pastry shops, pubs, ice cream parlors and restaurants (in yellow zones) from 5 a.m. to 6 p.m., 14-day quarantine for those arriving from non-Schengen countries, New Year’s Eve curfew from 10 p.m. on Dec. 31 to 7 a.m. on Jan. 1, evening dining in hotels allowed only with room service. The text of the dpcm can be downloaded from the government website.

It is currently unknown when museums and cultural sites will reopen. Minister of Cultural Heritage Dario Franceschini has not yet given any indication on the matter, and Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte did not even mention culture during the press conference organized to present the new rules.

In the photo: Palazzo Chigi, seat of government

Dpcm, it's official: museums, exhibitions, cinemas and theaters closed until Jan. 15
Dpcm, it's official: museums, exhibitions, cinemas and theaters closed until Jan. 15

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