Farewell to Edoardo Salzano, important figure in urban planning and cultural heritage advocacy

Disappears in Venice urban planner Edoardo Salzano, also active in cultural heritage advocacy.

Urban planner Edoardo Salzano, known not only for his activities in the fields of urban planning and engineering, but also because he was long active in politics and for his commitment to the defense of cultural heritage, has died in Venice at the age of 89. Salzano, nicknamed “Eddy,” was born in Naples in 1930: after graduating in civil engineering in Rome in 1957, he taught for a long time at the University Institute of Architecture in Venice (IUAV), also becoming president of the Faculty of Territorial Planning in 2000. As part of his work as an urban planner, he has acted on several urban plans, most notably that of the coastline of the City of Naples in 2006: his idea was that the development of a city is an aspect that concerns society understood as a set of people who live in it, and for this reason the city should be considered as a union of citizens rather than as a cluster of buildings.

From this conception stems his work for the defense of cultural heritage. In this sphere he worked for a long time for the protection of the city of Venice (from 1976 to 1990 he was also a member of the Commission for the Safeguarding of Venice, and one of his last public appearances was this year at one of the events that followed this summer’s incidents in the lagoon), and he is best remembered for having founded in 2003 the site eddyburg. it, a site that deals with “cities, society and politics” and the “topics that make the lives of some people beautiful, interesting and pleasant and the lives of others difficult, troubled, desperate” in order to “promote a culture of inhabiting, enjoying, governing the territory that is likely to ensure the city, understood both as a physical structure and as the society that inhabits and enjoys it, satisfactory living conditions from the point of view of equity and freedom of access to common goods, the ability and possibility to participate in the government of public affairs.”

For his political and administrative activities, he is remembered as a councilor of the PCI in Rome between 1966 and 1975, then as town planning councillor of the City of Venice (where he was also a city councilor between 1974 and 1990) and again as regional councilor of the Veneto region between 1986 and 1990. He also held other constitutional roles: in particular, he was an expert member of the Higher Council of Public Works between 1971 and 1974, as well as a member of technical working groups in various administrations.

Farewell to Edoardo Salzano, important figure in urban planning and cultural heritage advocacy
Farewell to Edoardo Salzano, important figure in urban planning and cultural heritage advocacy

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