Pompeii, another important discovery from new excavations: an ancient... bar, with fresco of Nereid

A thermopolis, a kind of ancient diner, has been found in Pompeii with a fresco depicting a Nereid.

More surprises from the excavations of Pompeii’s Regio V. After the Domus with the fresco of Priapus, thefrescoed alcove, and the Domus of the Dolphins, this time a thermopolis, or commercial activity for the resale of hot and cold drinks and foodstuffs, has emerged. A kind of bar or diner of antiquity: drinks were stored in large jars, called dolia, placed directly under the counter. These were places where Romans used to have meals when they could not go home. In Pompeii alone, there are at least eighty thermopoliths.

The newly found thermopolis is located at the intersection of Silver Wedding Lane and Balcony Lane, in an area of the city brought to light thanks to the current excavation site. It has been partially excavated and is located along one of the excavation fronts that is also being worked on in view of securing the site as part of the Great Pompeii Project. In addition, the newly uncovered room turns out to be decorated: in particular, a fresco of a Nereid, or sea nymph, riding a sea horse was discovered, and similarly, a decoration depicting the same activity that took place in the structure was found. Basically, a kind of ancient commercial sign. The discovery of some amphorae, placed in front of the counter, is further evidence of the structure’s purpose.

“As much as structures such as these,” says Alfonsina Russo, interim director of Pompeii, “are well known in the Pompeian panorama, the renewal of their discovery, with even the objects that accompanied the commercial activity and therefore everyday life, continues to convey intense emotions that take us back to those tragic moments of the eruption, which nevertheless delivered us unique testimonies of Roman civilization.”

Pictured is the fresco with the rediscovered Nereid.

Pompeii, another important discovery from new excavations: an ancient... bar, with fresco of Nereid
Pompeii, another important discovery from new excavations: an ancient... bar, with fresco of Nereid

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