School classrooms host shots by famous photographers. International project lands in Italy

Twenty elementary and middle schools in Reggio Emilia and province host six hundred shots by Steve McCurry in classrooms and hallways. In Italy, Besharat's project.

Twenty elementary and middle schools in Reggio Emilia and province welcome six hundred shots by Steve McCurry, among the most celebrated contemporary photographers. Classrooms and hallways of the educational institutions (Dall’Aglio, King and Pertini in Reggio have been joined by schools from six other municipalities: Campagnola, Castelnovo Monti, Cavriago, Correggio, Quattro Castella and Rubiera) bring together in a sort of gallery the most famous images born from McCurry’s lens, including the celebrated Afghan Girl.

Intent of the project, titled Art at School - The Faces of Innocence, is “to encourage empathy among elementary and middle school children, not yet influenced by prejudice, through daily contact with art that represents similarities between individuals, to embrace all cultural differences.”

The initiative was made possible thanks to the Besharat Foundation initiated by Massoud Besharat, an Iranian-born patron who works and lives between the United States (Atlanta) and France (Barbizon), and public-private collaboration. Getting in touch with Besharat was Donatella Violi, an exhibition organizer, who thus made it possible to bring this project, already started in France and the United States, to Italy as well. “Besharat’s intent,” said Donatella Violi, “is to involve, in addition to McCurry, other famous photographers and use their work to urge children and young people to reflect on other issues as well, starting with those related to climate change and environmental protection.”

In addition to schools, the project will also involve the Pediatric Psychology of the Santa Maria Nuova Archispedale in Reggio Emilia, to which twenty-five photographs are destined.

Art at School - The Faces of Innocence has already landed in Sassari as well and is extending to Puglia and Marche.

Pictured is a classroom at l’École de la Colombe (France) in July 2020 with photographs by Steve McCurry. Ph.Credit Besharat Galllery

School classrooms host shots by famous photographers. International project lands in Italy
School classrooms host shots by famous photographers. International project lands in Italy

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