Filippo Del Corno is the new head of culture for the PD

Pd Secretary Enrico Letta has chosen Milan's councillor for culture, Filippo Del Corno, to be responsible for the party's culture: the councillor thus joins the Pd's national secretariat.

Filippo Del Corno, alderman for culture of the City of Milan, is the new head of culture for the Democratic Party. Del Corno, who was born in 1970, thus joins the Pd secretariat whose names were released today by new secretary Enrico Letta. The councillor for culture in the Lombard capital, who is a composer and musician by trade, was certainly one of the protagonists of the world of culture during the pandemic: his very rational approach was always oriented toward the stable reopenings of cultural places, and in the aftermath of Mario Draghi’s appointment as prime minister he had written a letter to the new prime minister asking him to take, as a first measure, the reopening of all cultural places.

“Regaining possession of heritage, getting back in direct contact with beauty and rooting the awareness that keeping art and culture places open, planning and supporting the commitment of the city’s public and private operators,” Del Corno had said in late February, “is a necessity that can no longer be postponed.” And still on the topics on the agenda, in December the new head for culture of the PD declared that a concerted calendar for the reopening of cultural venues is “as necessary as the vaccination plan.”

Del Corno is a firm believer in the social role of culture (for more, read the two lengthy interviews in Windows on Art: the most recent, during the most acute phase of the first wave of the coronavirus, and the first, in 2018) and has been one of Italy’s most highly regarded culture aldermen in recent years (first appointed in 2013, and Del Corno held the role in both the Pisapia and Sala juntas), because he has been able to put in place a multicultural vision, open to the world, that recognizes equal importance to ancient and contemporary art, that questions ways to attract qualified tourism but without leaving behind the needs of the citizens who, on the contrary, are at the center of his action.

As a composer, who graduated from the Giuseppe Verdi Conservatory in 1995 after graduating from the Liceo Beccaria classical high school, he has seen his works performed by leading musicians such as Luciano Berio, James MacMillan, Dimitri Ashkenazy, David Alan Miller, José Ramón Encinar, and John Axelrod, and by orchestras and ensembles such as the London Sinfonietta, California EAR Unit, and the RAI National Symphony Orchestra; his compositions are regularly featured in the most important festivals and theaters on the international scene, including Lucerne Festival, Festival de Radio France et Montpellier, Bang On A Can Marathon (New York), South Bank Centre (London), Venice Biennale, Romaeuropa Festival. He has taught composition at the Conservatories of Turin, Parma, Pesaro, Trieste and Milan. For him also a teaching, from 2001 to 2007, at Bocconi University in Milan, in the course in Economics of Arts and Culture. From 1999 to 2008 he was also the creator and host for RAI-Radio3 of several in-depth musical and cultural programs. Instead, in 1997 he founded the Sentieri selvaggi cultural association for the promotion and dissemination of contemporary music, which he also led as president and artistic co-director until March 2013. From 2011 to 2013 he was president of the Milan Foundation - Civic Schools. After his experience as councillor for culture in the Pisapia junta, he ran for the Milan city council in 2016, being the candidate with the highest number of preferences in the Sinistra per Milano list, and was later confirmed in his role by Giuseppe Sala.

Below, however, are Enrico Letta’s other nominations for the Pd secretariat: Lia Quartapelle (38, parliamentarian) for Europe, International Affairs and Development Cooperation; Antonio Nicita (53, university professor) for Institutions, Technologies and National Reform and Resilience Plan; Chiara Braga (41, parliamentarian) for Ecological Transition, Sustainability and Infrastructure; Chiara Gribaudo (39, parliamentarian) for Givoani Mission; Cecilia DElia (57, spokesperson for the National Conference of Democratic Women) for Equality Policies; Enrico Borghi (53, parliamentarian) for Security Policies; Anna Rossomando (57, parliamentarian) for Justice and Rights; Antonio Misiani (52, parliamentarian) for Economy and Finance; Cesare Fumagalli (67, national secretary of Confartigianato Imprese from 2005 to 2020) for Economic Development, Third Sector, SME Mission; Manuela Ghizzoni (59, former parliamentarian) for Education, University and Research; Susanna Cenni (57, parliamentarian) for Agriculture, Food and Forestry Policies; Sandra Zampa (64, journalist, former parliamentarian) for Health; Mauro Berruto (51, journalist and trainer. coach of the Italian men’s national volleyball team from 2010 to 2015) for Sports; Francesco Boccia (52, parliamentarian) for Territorial Autonomies and Local Authorities; Stefano Vaccari (53, former parliamentarian) for Organization.

Secretary Enrico Letta will later formalize the appointment of the Coordinator of the National Secretariat. Deputy Secretary Irene Tinagli is entrusted with the Global Italy mission, and Deputy Secretary Peppe Provenzano is entrusted with the Proximity mission, in addition to labor policies and the fight against inequality. Letta indicated that he will promote the establishment of a committee of experts on Next Generation EU challenges, which will be coordinated by Antonio Nicita.

Pictured: Filippo Del Corno

Filippo Del Corno is the new head of culture for the PD
Filippo Del Corno is the new head of culture for the PD

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