Lotto receipts for culture, fund for small museums and more: here's what's in the maneuver for culture

Here are all the interventions for culture included in the 2020 budget bill passed in the Senate.
Lotto introductions for culture, fund for small museums and more: here’s what’s in the maneuver for culture

The Senate last night approved the Budget Law 2020 on first reading after a vote of confidence on the maxi amendment that replaced the first section of the bill in its entirety. The text will now have to pass through the House for approval and then get the green light under Christmas. So, barring any unlikely contingencies, the fundamentals of the maneuver should no longer change. So let’s see what the issues affecting culture are, in order of how they appear in the text.

300 thousand euros for Villa Alari Visconti di Saliceto in Cernusco sul Naviglio.
Art. 1, paragraph 41: “Within the scope of the interventions aimed at promoting the development of culture and knowledge of the cultural heritage referred to in this law, a contribution of €300,000 is allocated for the complete renovation of the historic Villa Alari Visconti di Saliceto in Cernusco sul Naviglio, which will be European City of Sports in 2020, for the redevelopment and restoration of the Villa.”

Investments for urban regeneration projects in municipalities
Art. 1, paragraph 42: “For each of the years from 2021 to 2034, contributions are allocated to municipalities for investments in urban regeneration projects, aimed at reducing phenomena of marginalization and social degradation, as well as improving the quality of urban decorum and the social and environmental fabric, within the overall limit of 150 million euros for the year 2021, 250 million euros for the year 2022, 550 million euros for each of the years 2023 and 2024, and 700 million euros for each of the years 2025 to 2034.”

300 thousand euros for the Gleno Dam Museum.
Art. 1, para. 68: “The Lombardy region is allocated an extraordinary contribution of 300,000 euros for the year 2020 as a financial contribution for the creation of the Gleno Dam Museum by the year 2023, in which the centenary of the Gleno disaster that involved the province of Bergamo and the province of Brescia falls.”

Green New Deal
Art. 1, para. 85: A fund for the so-called Green New Deal is established, with which environmental interventions will be financed that aim to decarbonize the economy, the circular economy, support youth and female entrepreneurship, reduce the use of plastic and replace plastic with alternative materials, urban regeneration, sustainable tourism, ladattamento and mitigation of risks on the ground resulting from climate change and, in general, investment programs and projects that are innovative in nature and highly environmentally sustainable and that take into account social impacts. The fund is given 470 million euros for 2020, 930 million for 2021, 1.42 billion for 2022 and 2023.

Completion of the official geological map of Italy.
Art. 1, paragraph 103: “For the completion of the official geological map of Italy at a scale of 1:50,000, its computerization and instrumental activities, a contribution of 5 million euros for each of the years 2020, 2021 and 2022 is allocated to the Higher Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA).”

Establishment of the Center for International Study and Research on Climate Change
Article 1, paragraph 119: The “Center for International Study and Research on Climate Change” is established, which will be based in Venice. Paragraph 120 states that “the Center for International Study and Research on Climate Change enhances and connects the wealth of knowledge accrued by public and private actors dealing with vulnerability and resilience as well as contributes to the definition of national strategies, through studies and research on mitigation, resilience and adaptation to climate change, and more generally in the field of sustainable management of social and environmental systems, with particular reference to the protection of the city of Venice. The Center for International Study and Research on Climate Change is supported by the Venetian universities of Ca Foscari, Iuav, VIU Venice International University of the relevant research institutes, including the National Research Council (CNR) and the Tidal Center, as well as the New Venice Consortium and the Consortium for the Coordination of Research Related to the Venice Lagoon System (Corila) and the company Thetis Spa, and may establish partnerships with leading national and international study and research organizations. The expenditure of 500,000 euros from the year 2020 is authorized as the State’s contribution to the expenses for lavvio and operation of the Center for International Study and Research on Climate Change.”

60 million euros for MOSE
Art. 1, para. 121: 60 million euros are authorized for 2020 expenditure for the continuation of interventions to safeguard Venice under Law 798 of November 29, 1984.

Bonus facades
Art. 1, paragraph 219: the facade bonus is established: “for documented expenses, incurred, in the year 2020, related to interventions, including those of only cleaning or external painting, aimed at the recovery or restoration of the external facade of existing buildings located in zone A or B pursuant to the Decree of the Minister of Public Works April 2, 1968, no. 1444, a deduction from the gross tax is entitled to 90 percent.”

An additional 1.5 million euros for disabled students of the Higher Musical, Artistic and Coreutic Education
Art. 1, paragraph 2828: “In order to allow also the institutions of High artistic, musical and coreutic education (AFAM) to give concrete implementation to services and initiatives in favor of students with disabilities and with a certification of specific learning disorder, the fund for the administrative functioning and educational activities of AFAM institutions, as of the year 2020, is increased by 1,500,000 euros, distributed among state AFAM institutions in relation to the total number of students enrolled in them.” The next paragraph also establishes an increase of 10 million euros for the fund for administrative operation and educational activities of AFAM institutions.

500 thousand euros for Villa Candiani in Erba and 500 thousand euros for restoration and enhancement of Palazzo Piozzo di Rosignano in Rivoli
Art. 1, paragraph 296: Expenditures of 250 thousand euros for 2020 and 250 thousand euros for 2021 are authorized for the restoration and enhancement of Villa Candiani in Erba (Como), and the same figures are allocated for restoration and enhancement of Palazzo Piozzo di Rosignano in Rivoli (Turin).

3 million euros for hydrogeological risk reduction at Rupe di Orvieto and Colle di Todi.
Art. 1, paragraph 306: “To safeguard the landscape, archaeological, historical and artistic heritage of cities from actual and potential landslides, a contribution of 1 million euros is provided for each of the years from 2020 to 2022, to be distributed annually no later than June 30 of each year. In view of the hydrogeological risk typical of some areas of the country susceptible to endanger the preservation of cultural, archaeological, historical and artistic heritage found exclusively in two cities of the entire national territory, the resources referred to in the first period are allocated to the areas of the Rupe of Orvieto and the Hill of Todi, which have already been the subject of landslide hydrogeological risk mitigation works. To this end, the aforementioned resources, amounting to 1 million euros for each of the years 2020 to 2022, are reserved for the Umbria region for the purpose of securing, protecting and maintaining the two sites of the Rupe of Orvieto and the Hill of Todi. The Umbria region shall provide for the allocation of resources between the two municipalities concerned.”

1.5 million for the promotion of the Italian language abroad
Art. 1, paragraph 307 (a): “500,000 euros for each of the years 2020, 2021 and 2022 for the promotion of the Italian language and culture abroad, with particular reference to the support of institutions managing Italian language and culture courses abroad.” These are measures to “strengthen Italian interests abroad,” the text of the maneuver reads. 1.5 million also for the General Council of Italians Abroad and 3 million for the Committees of Italians Abroad: all sums spread over three years.

160 million for the bonus for 18-year-olds.
Art. 1, Paragraph 357: “in order to promote the development of culture and knowledge of cultural heritage, all residents of the national territory in possession, where applicable, of a valid residence permit, who turn eighteen years of age in 2020, shall be allocated, in the year of their 18th birthday and in compliance with the expenditure ceiling of 160 million euros for the year 2020, an electronic Card, which can be used to purchase tickets for theater and film performances and live shows, books, subscriptions to newspapers, including in digital format, recorded music, audiovisual publishing products, admission tickets to museums, exhibitions and cultural events, monuments, galleries, archaeological areas and natural parks, as well as to support the costs of music, theater or foreign language courses.”

A two million euro fund for small museums
Art. 1, paragraph 359: A brand new feature is the fund for small museums. The text reads, “in order to ensure the operation, routine maintenance and continuity in the enjoyment for visitors, as well as for the demolition of architectural barriers, in the estimates of the Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism is established the ”Fund for the operation of small museums“ with an endowment of 2 million euros annually from the year 2020.” The distribution of the fund will be determined by a decree of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage to be adopted within sixty days of the entry into force of the Finance Act.

22.5 million euros per year for MiBACT staff allowances derived from museum ticket sales
Art. 1, paragraph 362: “As of the year 2020, the expenditure of 22.5 million euros per year is authorized to be allocated to the non-managerial staff of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism, for allowances having the character of certainty, continuity and stability, determined by a decree of the Minister of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism, in agreement with the Minister of Economy and Finance. The related costs shall be met through the use of a corresponding portion of the proceeds from the sale of admission tickets to the institutes and places of culture belonging to the state.”

10 million euros per year for overtime for MiBACT staff derived from the sale of museum tickets
Art. 1, paragraph 363: “Beginning in the year 2020, a portion of the proceeds from the sale of admission tickets to state-owned institutes and places of culture [...] produced in the year preceding the year of reference, shall be paid into the State budget by July 31 of each year, to be allocated, to an extent not exceeding 10 million euros annually and by way of derogation from the financial limits provided for by the regulations in force, to remunerate overtime services of the staff of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism, in order to cope with the unpostponable and unbreakable exceptional work requirements related to the strengthening of the functioning of services and the performance of specific activities in the field of cultural heritage.”

2 million euros for Parma Italian capital of culture 2020
Art. 1, paragraph 364: For cultural and entertainment initiatives in the municipalities of the province of Parma, designated as the Italian Capital of Culture 2020, 2 million euros of expenditure is authorized for 2020.

500 thousand euros for the Foundation “I Pomeriggi Musicali”
Art. 1, paragraph 365: “For the realization of cultural and performing arts initiatives organized in the municipality of Milan, a contribution of 500,000 euros is allocated to the Fondazione I Pomeriggi Musicali for the year 2020.”

75 million euros more for the Single Fund for Performing Arts
Art. 1, para. 366: The increase of 75 million euros for the FUS is for the year 2020, in addition, according to para. 367, allocations will be further increased by 10 million euros.

3.5 million for corporations, foundations and associations, and 3 million for cultural institutions
Art. 1, Paragraph 368: “In order to support and implement activities in the sphere of research, innovation and training, as well as the enjoyment and promotion of cultural heritage, carried out by cultural institutions and entities, institutes, associations, foundations and other bodies pertaining to the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism, the expenditure authorization” for bodies, institutes, associations, foundations and other bodies, “is increased by 3.5 million euros annually from the year 2020 and the expenditure authorization” for cultural institutions “is increased by 3 million euros annually from the year 2020.”

1 million euros per year until 2022 for historic carnivals and 1 million euros per year until 2022 for marching bands
Paragraphs 369 and 371: For the promotion, support and enhancement of historic carnivals and musical bands, provided 1 million euros until 2022 for each of the two purposes (thus 2 million euros per year).

500 thousand euros for the Pistoia Blues Festival.
Art. 1, Paragraph 370: “a contribution of 250,000 euros is allocated for each of the years 2020 and 2021 in favor of the municipality of Pistoia for the realization of the Pistoia Blues Festival.”

1 million per year for MiBACT’s investees
Art. 1, Paragraph 372: Starting in 2020, 1 million euros per year is allocated for entities created or participated in by MiBACT.

9 million euros for Italy’s participation in the Frankfurt Book Fair.
Art. 1, Paragraph 373: “for the participation of Italy in the Frankfurt International Book Fair, dedicated for the 2023 edition to Italy, the expenditure of 2 million euros for the year 2020, 3 million euros for each of the years 2021 and 2022 and 1 million euros for the year 2023 is authorized.”

33 million euros per year from the lotto game for projects on cultural heritage
Art. 1, paragraph 375: Part of the proceeds from the lottery game will be used to finance the “appropriations in the budget of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism for the preservation, strengthening and implementation of experimental projects concerning management, exhibition and fruition models for the protection and enhancement of cultural heritage and landscape as well as projects for digitalization inherent to cultural heritage.” Expenditures of 23 million for 2021 and 33 million annually from 2022 to 2035 are authorized for this purpose.

500 thousand euros per year for Italian theaters abroad.
Art. 1, paragraph 376: “In order to foster the promotion and dissemination of Italian culture abroad, by decree of the Minister of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism, adopted in agreement with the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, specific contributions are allocated for the operation of state-owned theaters abroad. For the purposes referred to in this paragraph, the expenditure of 500,000 euros annually from the year 2020 is authorized.”

500,000 euros for the celebrations of Rome as the capital of Italy
Art. 1, paragraph 377: “In order to enable the celebration of the 150th anniversary of the proclamation of Rome as capital of Italy, a Fund for the 150th anniversary of Rome as capital is established at the Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities and for Tourism to be allocated to the associations present in the territory, with an allocation of 500,000 euros for the year 2020. A decree of the Minister for Cultural Heritage and Activities and for Tourism shall define the criteria for the subdivision of projects eligible for funding and the allocation of the relevant resources.”

800 thousand euros for Italian film festivals abroad
Art. 1, paragraph 378: “In order to consolidate and extend the promotional effects of the Italian image and culture in the world, in favor of Italian film festivals taking place abroad within the framework of the program ”Vivere allitaliana,“ in the budget of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation is entered a supplementary funding of 800,000 euros for the year 2020, to be distributed by decree of the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, after consultation with the Minister for Cultural Heritage and Activities and for Tourism.”

Establishment of the “Antonio Megalizzi” Fund for university radio stations
Art. 1, Paragraph 379: The “Antonio Megalizzi Fund” is established to ensure a university radio broadcasting service. It will have 1 million euros per year starting in 2020.

750 thousand euros for the Portal of sources for the history of the Italian Republic.
Art. 1, paragraph 381: “In order to implement the cultural project connected to the Portal of Sources for the History of the Italian Republic and the further digitization activities of the archival and bibliographical documentation that feed it, the expenditure of 750,000 euros for the year 2020 is authorized in favor of the National Research Council.”

One million euros per year for music schools of excellence
Art. 1, paragraph 383: Increased by one million euros per year from 2020 the expenditure authorization for the provision of grants in favor of schools of national excellence operating in the field of high musical training, of relevant cultural interest, in order to ensure the continuation of their activities. The allocation will be decided by MiBACT decree.

Establishment of the fund for the recovery of brownfield sites of historical and cultural interest
Art. 1, Paragraph 384: A “Fund for the recovery of state properties of historical and cultural interest in a state of abandonment and the redevelopment of disused industrial areas where architectural artifacts of historical interest insist,” is established, the allocation will be one million euros per year from 2020 to 2022. The provisions will be adopted by decree of the MiBACT.

1.3 million euros for the Abbey of Santa Maria di Pattano.
Art. 1, paragraph 385: “in consideration of the high historical, cultural and social value represented by the Abbey of Santa Maria di Pattano, located near Vallo della Lucania in the province of Salerno, the expenditure of 1.3 million euros is authorized for the year 2020 for extraordinary financing aimed at the protection and preservation of the property as well as for the implementation of restoration and safety works, in order to create a tourist-cultural attraction of national and international relevance.”

1.8 million euros for Vesuvian villas
Art. 1, paragraph 386: “In order to ensure the operation, contribute to ordinary and extraordinary maintenance, as well as ensure continuity in the enjoyment for visitors and encourage the removal of architectural barriers, the Fondazione Ente Ville Vesuviane is allocated an extraordinary contribution of 600,000 euros for each of the years 2020, 2021 and 2022.”

Establishment of the fund for the introduction of tourist flight
Art. 1, Paragraph 387: “A fund is established at the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism for the preliminary study necessary for the introduction of ”Tourist Flight,“ with an allocation of 0.1 million euros for each of the years 2020, 2021 and 2022, in order to enhance the Italian environmental, landscape, historical and architectural heritage, including through innovative forms of fruition.” The ways in which the fund will be used will be regulated by a MiBACT decree.

250 thousand euros per year for the Luigi Einaudi Foundation.
Art. 1, paragraph 395: “In order to foster the dissemination of historical-scientific culture and promote the preservation and enhancement of the bibliographic and archival heritage of the Fondazione Luigi Einaudi Onlus in Rome, an extraordinary contribution of 250,000 euros per year starting from the year 2020 is recognized in favor of the Fondazione Luigi Einaudi Onlus in Rome for the purpose of supporting the digitization of the archival fonds held by the institution.”

300 thousand euros for the preservation and enhancement of the bibliographic heritage ddell’Istituto affari internazionali di Roma
Art. 1, paragraph 396: “In order to foster the dissemination of internationalist culture and promote the preservation and enhancement of the bibliographic heritage of the Istituto affari internazionali di Roma, an extraordinary contribution of 200,000 euros for the year 2020 and 100,000 euros for the year 2021 is recognized in favor of the aforementioned Institute, for the purpose of supporting the digitization of the archival fonds in the possession of the same Institute.”

Resources for the centenary of the founding of the Italian Communist Party
Art. 1, Paragraph 405: “on the occasion of the centenary of the founding of the Italian Communist Party, by decree of the President of the Council of Ministers, the mission structure for national anniversaries and national and international sporting events shall be allocated, for the years 2020 and 2021, within the limits of the resources available under current legislation, from the relevant budget chapters of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and, in any case, without new or increased charges to the state budget, resources aimed at promoting cultural and celebratory initiatives related to this anniversary.” The criteria for allocation will be established by decree of the Prime Minister’s Office.

Establishment of the Housing Quality Program.
Art. 8, Paragraph 437: The “National Innovative Program for the Quality of Living” is established, aimed at “increasing the heritage allocated to social housing, regenerating the socio-economic fabric, increasing accessibility, safety of places and the re-functionalization of public spaces and properties, as well as improving social cohesion and the quality of life of citizens.” Part of the program’s resources are earmarked for the rehabilitation and enhancement of cultural assets.

1.5 million euros for the Sulfur Mines Mining Museum Park of Marche and Emilia Romagna.
Art. 8, Paragraph 512: The Sulfur Mines Mining Museum Park of the Marches assumes the new name “Sulfur Mines Mining Museum Park of the Marches and Emilia Romagna” and will receive 500 thousand euros per year from 2020 to 2022.

500 thousand euros for the regions’ 50th anniversary.
Art. 8, paragraph 546: “on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the regions, a Fund for the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the regions, with an allocation of 500,000 euros for the year 2020, is established in the budget of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, for subsequent transfer to the autonomous budget of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers. The interventions financed from the said Fund will be aimed at the implementation of cultural, artistic and scientific initiatives, as well as the organization of seminars and the formulation of studies and research, including in collaboration with public and private entities. The activities financed shall be concerned with the historical memory, evolution and future prospects of the role of the regions in the light of the first fifty years of history. For the aforementioned purposes, a committee promoting the celebrations is established, composed of the Presidents of the regions and autonomous provinces and chaired by the Minister for Regional Affairs and Autonomies, which will have the task of formulating the guidelines, identifying the activities, collecting any projects submitted and selecting those accepted for funding.”

1.4 billion euros to Sardinia for interventions including operations on cultural heritage
Art. 8, para. 871: The state grants Sardinia a transfer of additional resources for investment expenses totaling 1.425.8 million “for expenditures for extraordinary maintenance, restoration and conservative rehabilitation, restructuring and enhancement of roads, schools, regionally owned properties, cultural and archaeological heritage and conterminous areas, as well as for the construction of public works of regional interest, including hospitals and facilities intended for the regional health service, for the strengthening of university residences and facilities intended for services related to the right to university study, and for lintegrazione of state funds intended for hydraulic and hydrogeological prevention works from atmospheric damage.”

Photo: Palazzo Madama, seat of the Senate. Photo credit

Lotto receipts for culture, fund for small museums and more: here's what's in the maneuver for culture
Lotto receipts for culture, fund for small museums and more: here's what's in the maneuver for culture

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