Parma - Finestre sull'Arte

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Parma exults by opening its doors wide again to Correggio

Parma exults by opening its doors wide again to Correggio

Next September 8, the city of Parma will inaugurate an exceptional and very singular exhibition: an unforgettable Fifth Centenary of Correggio's creative cycle. Indeed, the "secularia quinta" of the Painter's extraordinary presence on the Italian art...
More on Correggio's frescoes in the dome of the abbey church of San Giovanni in Parma

More on Correggio's frescoes in the dome of the abbey church of San Giovanni in Parma

As already written in the December 31, 2023issue of "Finestre sull'Arte," in the 1980s Parma was becoming a small restoration capital in Italy. The then Vicar General of the Diocese, Monsignor Franco Grisenti, a priest with great organizational skill...
The Madonna of Albinea, Correggio's masterpiece in the heart of the Italian Renaissance

The Madonna of Albinea, Correggio's masterpiece in the heart of the Italian Renaissance

The Madonna of Albinea, painted by Correggio in 1519, stands as a singular compositional and executive pivot at a temporal juncture of the height of the Italian Renaissance; that artistic phenomenon that had already reached the "great manner" and tha...
A traveling exhibition featuring ten Dalla songs reinterpreted in urban art stops in Parma

A traveling exhibition featuring ten Dalla songs reinterpreted in urban art stops in Parma

From December 17 to 23, 2022, the church of San Marcellino in Parma's Collegio dei Nobili street will host the traveling exhibition A volte basta una canzone. Lucio Dalla, 10 songs on display, under the patronage of the City of Parma. Already presen...
Parma, opens the new Bodoni Museum, the oldest printing museum in Italy

Parma, opens the new Bodoni Museum, the oldest printing museum in Italy

On Wednesday, November 30, 2022, the Monumental Complex of the Pilotta in Parma will inaugurate the new Bodoni Museum, the oldest printing museum in Italy, which will now be housed on the ground floor of the Palatina Library. Previously it was locat...
Parma and Reggio Emilia theaters become dreamlike spaces with Yuval Avital's Mostrario

Parma and Reggio Emilia theaters become dreamlike spaces with Yuval Avital's Mostrario

Parma 's Teatro Regio and Teatro Due and Reggio Emilia 's Teatro Municipale Valli will be transformed into dreamlike, exhibition spaces for the final chapter of Yuval Avital 's The Bestiary of the Land (Jerusalem, 1977), the Reggio Parma Festival's ...
Parma, Mercanteinfiera, exhibition of antiques, modern antiques and collectibles, returns. With four collateral

Parma, Mercanteinfiera, exhibition of antiques, modern antiques and collectibles, returns. With four collateral

From October 1 to 9, 2022, Mercanteinfiera, the traditional event dedicated toantiques, modern antiques and collectibles, returns to Parma Fairs. After the great success of the spring edition, which recorded more than 51 thousand visitors and an ever...
Still Life with Cherries, one of the very rare works by Paul Cézanne that we have in Italy

Still Life with Cherries, one of the very rare works by Paul Cézanne that we have in Italy

It is thanks to a few enlightened minds that we can admire a scant handful of Paul Cézanne's paintings in Italian museums today. Palma Bucarelli who bought Cabanon du Jourdan, believed to be Cézanne's last painting, for the Galleria d'A...

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