All the articles by Noemi Capoccia on Finestre sull'Arte

Noemi Capoccia
Originaria di Lecce, classe 1995, ha conseguito la laurea presso l'Accademia di Belle Arti di Carrara nel 2021. Le sue passioni sono l'arte antica e l'archeologia. Dal 2024 lavora in Finestre sull'Arte.

Ruins as warning and memory: the Platonic Oath and the Acropolis of Athens

Ruins as warning and memory: the Platonic Oath and the Acropolis of Athens

In 1945, theArchitectural Press in London published a book of a few pages entitled Bombed Churches as War Memorial. The pamphlet argued that ruined churches damaged by the bombs of war should remain as such so that they could be transformed into visu...
The concert of concerts, Pink Floyd's 35th anniversary in Venice

The concert of concerts, Pink Floyd's 35th anniversary in Venice

Indispensable, unique, avant-garde. We all know this, Pink Floyd, a British group founded in the 1960s, has been around since before time and even before music itself. Yet, those tunes and their presence still resonate too foreign, far too far ahead ...
Vincenzo Bellelli (Cerveteri-Tarquinia director): "here's how the Park has changed thanks to automia."

Vincenzo Bellelli (Cerveteri-Tarquinia director): "here's how the Park has changed thanks to automia."

The Cerveteri-Tarquinia Archaeological Park became autonomous as of 2021. Since then, thanks to autonomy, this important complex, which brings together the Cerite National Archaeological Museum, the National Archaeological Museum in Tarquinia, and th...
Petra and its ruins: places and experiences to discover the fascination of its history

Petra and its ruins: places and experiences to discover the fascination of its history

Nestled in the desert in southern Jordan, Petra is famous for its architectural structures, including temples, monuments and houses carved out of red sandstone rock, but it is more than just an archaeological wonder: it is an immersion in the history...
The world before the world. Egyptian cosmogony and the Heliopolitan Ennead.

The world before the world. Egyptian cosmogony and the Heliopolitan Ennead.

In the thoughts ofearly man there was a connection between what was part of the nature around him and what he considered supernatural. The advent ofart played a fundamental role in the psychology of Prehistoric man as it was considered the first mean...
Cursed femininity: the mermaid of Elisabeth Jerichau-Baumann

Cursed femininity: the mermaid of Elisabeth Jerichau-Baumann

When one's thoughts dwell on the figure of the mermaid, a unique depiction comes to life: bewitching, long hair and a tail that takes the shape of different fish. The mermaid has been part of the artistic imagination for millennia, and hers is among ...
From Pompeii we should expect new, exciting discoveries. Archaeologist Giuseppe Scarpati speaks.

From Pompeii we should expect new, exciting discoveries. Archaeologist Giuseppe Scarpati speaks.

New, important discoveries are coming from the Archaeological Park of Pompeii and in particular from the Insula dei Casti Amanti, which last May 28 opened to visits with an elevated pathway offering a brand new perspective on the excavations. Particu...
"Gio Ponti popularizer of Italian making." Stefania Cretella, curator of the exhibition on the designer in Faenza, Italy, speaks.

"Gio Ponti popularizer of Italian making." Stefania Cretella, curator of the exhibition on the designer in Faenza, Italy, speaks.

Why is Gio Ponti considered the inventor and popularizer of Made in Italy? What innovations did Gio Ponti bring to the production and development of Made in Italy in ceramic manufacturing? And how does the famous designer and intellectual fit into th...

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