In Florence, a widespread street art exhibition to raise listening awareness

In Florence, a widespread street art exhibition to raise awareness of loneliness and listening.

A widespread street art exhibition in various spaces in Florence to raise awareness of loneliness andlistening. The protagonist of the initiative is Ache77, an adopted Florentine stencil artist and one of the founders of Street Levels Gallery, the first urban art gallery in Florence. The project is realized by Voce Amica Firenze as part of Fondazione CR Firenze’s Social Innovation Jam 2 initiative, within Siamosolidali, in collaboration with Impact Hub Firenze and Feel Crowd, and is co-sponsored Comune di Firenze with the partnership of Street Levels Gallery.

Ache77 will post works inspired by the themes of loneliness, welcome, listening and emotional fragility throughout the city, each bearing references to the service offered by Voce Amica Firenze so as to make it known and direct people to the help they seek. The awareness campaign will revolve around portrayed subjects united by a tape with the word "fragile" on it: this very sticker will be used to anticipate the campaign through a number of artistic forays around the city featuring telephone booths and other urban elements.

To support the project, starting Wednesday, February 17 continuing for forty days it will be possible to participate in crowdfunding by making a donation on the Eppella platform. When 7 thousand euros are reached, Fondazione CR Firenze will double the budget, which will be used to promote the campaign by creating the communication images. These will play on nonverbal language and will then be printed and displayed throughout the city over the summer.

“We chose art because we think it can be a way to speak to everyone,” said Marco Lunghi, communications manager of Voce Amica Firenze. “A universal medium to try to explain a universal feeling. Art outdoors, along the city streets, visible and aimed at everyone is in line with the association’s core principles. Ache77, the artist who agreed to join us in this endeavor, with his art made of direct and meaningful images, immediately embraced the project, becoming passionate about the theme of human frailty.”

"With the Social Innovation Jam initiative, the Foundation has set itself the goal of providing the tools to create innovation in the Third Sector," says Gabriele Gori, General Director of Fondazione CR Firenze. “I thank Voce Amica Firenze for accepting this challenge and the young people for contaminating and enriching this journey with their expertise. It is now up to the community to do its part to turn the idea in which this team has believed into reality. The Foundation hopes that participation will be as broad as possible.”

In Florence, a widespread street art exhibition to raise listening awareness
In Florence, a widespread street art exhibition to raise listening awareness

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