Discovered again this year the Floor of Siena Cathedral, August through October.

The uncovering of the Floor of Siena Cathedral returns again this year. August 17 to October 7, 2020.

Once again this year, the Floor of Siena Cathedral will be fully uncovered: the unmissable event will take place from August 17 to October 7, 2020.

Described by Giorgio Vasari as the “most beautiful [...] great and magnificent floor that was ever made,” it was made according to a program that began in the fourteenth century and continued until the nineteenth. It consists of fifty-six inlays, whose cartoons were the work of the greatest masters, all from Siena, with the exception of Pinturicchio, who executed the inlay depicting the Mount of Wisdom in 1505. Among the artists involved in the creation of this masterpiece were Domenico Beccafumi, Neroccio di Bartolomeo, Leopoldo Maccari, and Giovanni di Stefano.

It was completed entirely using the graffito marble commesso technique: the first inlays were hatched over slabs of white marble with grooves made with a chisel and drill, filled with black stucco. To this were added colored marbles juxtaposed together as in a wooden inlay.

From August to October, the uncovered floor can be admired according to the following hours: Monday through Saturday from 10:30 a.m. to 6 p.m., Sunday from 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Last admission is half an hour before museum closing time.

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Discovered again this year the Floor of Siena Cathedral, August through October.
Discovered again this year the Floor of Siena Cathedral, August through October.

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