Florence, theater walks in the footsteps of great writers

Unusual Florence: theatrical walks to discover the homes and places of the great writers of the 19th and 20th centuries

From January 22 to February 28, 2021, theatrical walks will be held in Florence to discover the dwellings and places of great writers of the 19th and 20th centuries: from Collodi’s birthplace to the neighborhoods described by Vasco Pratolini, from Dostoevsky’s places of the heart to the hotel that hosted George Eliot, to the palace where Manzoni stayed.

Firenze Insolita is an initiative organized by thecultural association Archètipo, funded by the City of Florence for sustainable tourism. The theatrical walks will take place Friday through Sunday (Friday and Saturday at 3 p.m., Sunday at 10 a.m.): each visit will last about three hours, a maximum of 12 people will be admitted, who will be provided with sanitized earphones and masks, and participation will be free upon compulsory reservation at 3381002655 or via email at firenzeinsolita@archetipoac.it.

Tour guides Laura Gensini and Chiara Migliorini will illustrate intimate and secret places in Florence related to literature. Actor Rosario Campisi will bring to life the literary works that those places inspired: excerpts composed by authors during their stay in Florence or in the often nostalgic memory of it. Art and theater to give participants a unique experience.

The route from one dwelling to another will be enriched by other literary memories and short stops of cultural interest: from the Santa Maria Novella district where Percy Bysshe Shelley stayed to the Santa Croce district where Piero Bargellini lived.

Firenze Insolita will also be an opportunity to remember many other intellectuals who loved the city.
Start and end of the guided tour in Piazza Repubblica

For info: www.archetipoac.it

Pictured is a view of Piazza Santa Maria Novella Ph.Credit

Florence, theater walks in the footsteps of great writers
Florence, theater walks in the footsteps of great writers

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