How to qualitatively revive villages and historic centers? A conference in Palazzolo Acreide

A conference on how to qualitatively revive villages and historic centers will be held in Palazzolo Acreide on Friday, May 31, 2019.

On Friday, May 31, 2019, at 3:30 p.m., the conference Borghi e centri storici will be held in Palazzolo Acreide (Syracuse), at the Sala delle Aquile of the Palazzo di Città. Strategies for Rehabilitation to reflect on how to qualitatively revive villages and historic centers. It had already addressed the topic on March 23 this year at the Fort of Fenestrelle (Turin), where it took stock of some of the most innovative practices and experiences adopted to revive places otherwise in neglect.

This second event, conceived and curated by Silvia Mazza, journalist for Il Giornale dell’Architettura, in the Network of Italian Foundations for Architecture, is intended to be a workshop of rehabilitation practices.

In addition to reproposing some of the experiences already presented in Piedmont, in which administrations, inhabitants, contemporary architecture and architectural restoration have played a leading role in the success of innovative projects that are decisive for the future of the territories that adopted them, the conference, organized by the Foundation of theOrder of Architects PPC of Catania, Order of Architects of Syracuse and Order of Architects of Catania, under the patronage of the Municipality of Palazzolo Acreide, The Journal of Architecture, Order of Architects of Palermo and Foundation for Architecture/Turin, intends to open up to the University and some of the projects developed and implemented by them. The initiative is therefore aimed at all Sicilian municipalities interested in implementing models and practices already tried and tested elsewhere, capable of upgrading the historical building heritage, as well as effectively countering depopulation and the consequent abandonment and degradation of the territories they administer.

"The aim of the meeting is also to promote the adoption of regional Guidelines for the rehabilitation of villages and historic centers, along with the creation of a regional Agency of one-euro houses to standardize and regulate on the wide scale modes and operating practices of the project, the subject of an investigation in Il Giornale dell’Architettura, in which I reviewed reasons for success and failure in municipalities from north to south that have experimented with it," said curator Silvia Mazza.

Speakers at the conference will include Paolo Dellapiana, Fondazione per l’architettura/Turin Councilor, delegate to the Foundations Network (Laboratorio Montagna, innovative experiences for re-inhabiting villages: the results); Stefano Mirti and Viviana Bassan, Founding Partners Wonder Grottole (Wonder Grottole Project); Maurizio Spina, Dicar, Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Catania (A Territorial Planning of Villages. Social, Landscape and Architectural Identity Heritage) and Silvia Mazza herself (Houses for one euro: Tour of Italy with a stop in Gangi).

Here is the detailed program:

Moderator: Francesco Miceli, president of the Order of Architects of Palermo

3:30 p.m. Introduction

Veronica Leone, president of the Foundation of the Order of Architects PPC of Catania

3:40 p.m. Institutional greetings:

Salvatore Gallo, Mayor of Palazzolo Acreide
Francesco Giunta, President Order of Architects Syracuse
Alessandro Amaro, President Order of Architects Catania

4:00 p.m. Beginning of the Conference

Paolo Dellapiana, Councilor Fondazione per l’architettura/Torino, delegate to the network of Foundations Laboratory Mountain, innovative experiences for re-inhabiting villages: the results;
Stefano Mirti, Viviana Bassan, Founding Partners Wonder Grottole. Wonder Grottole project;
Silvia Mazza, The Journal of Architecture. Houses at one euro: tour of Italy with a stop in Gangi;
Maurizio Spina, Dicar, Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Catania. A Territorial Planning of Villages. Heritage of social, landscape and architectural identity.

5:30 p.m. Round Table.

Salvatore Cordaro, Regional Councillor for Land and Environment
Francesco Giunta, President Order of Architects Syracuse
Alessandro Amaro, President Order of Architects Catania
Francesco Miceli, President of the Order of Architects Palermo
Salvatore Gallo, Mayor of Palazzolo Acreide
Riccardo Messina, Municipal Councillor for Urban Regeneration and Sustainable Infrastructure
Salvatore Ferrarello, Deputy Mayor of Gangi
Plenary session speakers.

7 p.m. End of work

Image: Palazzolo Acreide. On the right the City Palace, venue of the conference.

How to qualitatively revive villages and historic centers? A conference in Palazzolo Acreide
How to qualitatively revive villages and historic centers? A conference in Palazzolo Acreide

Warning: the translation into English of the original Italian article was created using automatic tools. We undertake to review all articles, but we do not guarantee the total absence of inaccuracies in the translation due to the program. You can find the original by clicking on the ITA button. If you find any mistake,please contact us.