Radicondoli hosts second edition of Contemporary Landscapes

From July 16 to Aug. 31, 2022, the town of Radicondoli (Siena) will be invaded by contemporary art, with the second edition of the "Paesaggi Contemporanei" exhibition.

From July 16 to Aug. 31, 2022, Radicondoli will be invaded bycontemporary art: in fact, the second edition of Paesaggi Contemporanei, curated by the Municipality of Radicondoli and in collaboration with Radicondoli Arte, is scheduled to take place among the streets of the town with exhibitions, site-specific and sound installations created by Franco Ionda, Giuseppina Giordano, Mirio Cosottini, and Paolo Fabiani, cinema and art curated by Lo schermo dell’arte, a festival of cinema and contemporary art. It will also be possible to visit the two works acquired in the first edition of Paesaggi Contemporanei, which have become part of Radicondoli’s contemporary art collection that will be enriched from year to year: Antonello Ghezzi’s Vedere me in te and Moussa Traore’s Preghiera. The review is also offered as a prologue to the 36th Theater Festival.

The idea of the event is to establish the town overlooking the Sienese metal hills as a place of cultural and artistic production and as a privileged space for intercultural and intergenerational dialogue. Until August 31, the program of exhibitions, site-specific and sound installations will animate some of the town’s places that have been disused or unused over the past few years, revitalizing them in a new dimension. The intent is to make art using the landscape and urban context not only as the subject but as the very matter of the work, giving importance to aesthetic research but above all to the signs of man, his passage and his memory.

To this end, artists have been invited who fit into an emotional geography of place with interventions designed for the environmental and architectural particularity of Radicondoli: Franco Ionda intervenes with Capturing the reflection, cast aluminum forms inserted in the historic center at the entrance of the village, an invitation to look upward; Giuseppina Giordano with her installation Abbracci, a project curated by Culture attive, placed near the walls and conceived during her residency in May 2020 with the inhabitants of Radicondoli and Belforte, restores new life to a marginal and little-used place; Mirio Cosottini musician and researcher of sounds and atmospheres, builds a sound architecture in a grove of holm oaks not far from the village and presents drawings inspired by his philosophical and musical research. Curated by Fabio Gori, a collector attentive to the artistic expressions of contemporary change, Paolo Fabiani leaves the signs of his Occitania work in various spaces of the urban geography of the village, also accomplishing a performance of strong spectacular impact.

Finally, Lo schermo dell’arte, a film and contemporary art festival, will present Philippe Béziat’s film Gallant Indies, a backstage performance of the eighteenth-century opera Les Indes Galantes produced by the Opéra Bastille in 2019, which saw the directorial debut of French artist Clément Cogitore. Involving hip hop, krump, break, voguing dancers and choreographers from the Parisian banlieue, the film shows how a piece composed in 1735 can still speak to younger generations.

The artists

Franco Ionda was born in 1946 in Florence, where he attended the Academy of Fine Arts between the 1970s and 1980s. After a brief figurative period, he came to an abstract, lyrical-expressionist language, which later focused on geometric structures in metal and surfaces worked with different techniques and materials. From the 1980s onward, Ionda exhibited his works in numerous exhibitions in Italy and abroad (United States, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, Finland, Russia, Argentina, India, South Korea and France). On the occasion of the 8th International Architecture Exhibition in 2002, a housing concept dedicated to the artist (Buonasera Signor Ionda) was presented. In the fall of 2021 he held the exhibition Smarriti organized by the Uffizi Gallery held at Palazzo Pitti.

Giuseppina Giordano (Mazara del Vallo, 1987) is an interdependent artist. Her practice has no center; it feeds on transformations. She lives wherever her body is. Mediterranean, Palermo and Please, teach me the language of a rose, solo exhibition at Taubman Museum of Art, Roanoke, USA. He is among the winners of Cantica21, a public commissioning project supported by MiC and MAECI, with the unpublished work Corolla Sketches, intended for the Santa Maria della Scala Museum, Children’s Art Museum Collection, Siena. In 2021, she participated in the 2nd edition of Una Boccata d’arte, a project realized by Fondazione Elpis in collaboration with Galleria Continua. She is the creator of #10cents - ART AT THE SUPERMARKET, a project of art and philanthropy, with which in 2021 she was selected by Bocconi SDA and Giordano Dell’Amore Social Venture Foundation for IMPACT YOUR TALENT, a path to develop and support social impact entrepreneurship.

Mirio Cosottini, trumpeter, composes for theater, dance, radio and television. Founder of the research group Timet in 1993 and founder together with bassoonist Alessio Pisani of GRIM (Gruppo di Ricerca e Improvvisazione Musicale). He has to his credit numerous collaborations with national and international musicians, both from classical, contemporary and jazz music. “I am a musician,” he declares, “I deal with musical improvisation and philosophy of music. I draw out of passion, in the line I bring back my philosophical and musical research. I have done some exhibitions, cover drawings for various publications, illustrations for musical productions and commissioned portraiture.”

Paolo Fabiani, was born in 1962 in Montevarchi. Since 1990 he has received many invitations to make exhibitions in prestigious galleries and institutions: Fabio Sargentini for the exhibition Maledetti toscani curated by Maria Luisa Frisa and Alberto Boatto; Achille Bonito Oliva at the Orestiadi of Gibellina; and Luciano Pistoi at the contemporary art review he organized in the village of Volpaia. In the following years he was invited to the XII Quadriennale in Rome, made an installation for the Museo Civico in Siena and participated in the exhibition BU! at the Center for Contemporary Art Palazzo delle Papesse; in Florence he participated in WI-Working - Insider curated by Sergio Risaliti. In 2015 he founded with his wife Rossella, HYmmo Art Lab, a space for contemporary art in relation to its territory, modulating to the founding themes of human existence. Since 2016 HYmmo Art Lab curates the conception of Stand Up For Africa, contemporary art for human rights, curated by Pietro Gaglianò. In 2017 Fabio Sargentini invited him to Scorribanda, at the Galleria d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea in Rome. Of 2022 his latest solo show at the ME Vannucci Gallery in Pistoia curated by Pietro Gaglianò.

In the photo, Paolo Fabiani’s project for the walls of Radicondoli.

Radicondoli hosts second edition of Contemporary Landscapes
Radicondoli hosts second edition of Contemporary Landscapes

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