Subscribe by 19/5 to the print magazine of Finestre Sull'Arte. Your new favorite art magazine

There is only until May 19 to subscribe to Finestre sull’Arte’s print magazine, the new art magazine for art lovers and insiders. 176 pages, bound in a fine paperback, of richly illustrated insights with exclusive, top-quality photographs, content written by journalists, critics and art historians, and an elegant, high-quality editorial layout: all at a cost of only 29.90 euros per year, for four issues issued every three months, plus variable shipping costs depending on the carrier chosen and location. The subscription campaign expires on May 19, and after this date you will miss the new issue: to learn more click on this link where you will find more information and all the instructions for subscribing.

Here are the topics you will find in the June-July-August issue, which will be yours if you subscribe by the end of the campaign:

Current Events: the restoration of Leonardo da Vinci ’s Sala delle Asse at Castello Sforzesco, article by Ilaria Baratta.

Current events: debate on the current state of patronage in Italy. Participants include Patrizia Asproni (president of Confcultura and president of the Marino Marini Museum in Florence), Giulio Bargellini (entrepreneur and founder of the MAGI ’900 Museum), Piero Boccardo (director of the Strada Nuova Museums in Genoa), Carolina Botti (central director of Ales s.p.a. and head of Art Bonus at MiBAC), Alessandro Crociata (economist of culture and Assistant Professor in Applied Economics at GSSI - Gran Sasso Science Institute, L’Aquila), Cecilie Hollberg (director of the Galleria dell’Accademia in Florence), Stefano L’Occaso (historian of theart historian and MiBAC official), Patrizia Sandretto Re Rebaudengo (collector and president of Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo), Michele Trimarchi (professor of Cultural Economics at the University of Bologna), Beatrice Trussardi (entrepreneur and president of Fondazione Nicola Trussardi)

Grand Tour: the Triumph of Death by Buonamico Buffalmacco, article by Antonio Paolucci.

Grand Tour: the Bridal Chamber in Mantua, article by Lorenzo Bonoldi.

Grand Tour: the Sienese biccherne and the museum that houses them at the State Archives of Siena, article by Francesca Interguglielmi.

Inside the exhibition: review of the exhibition Bertoja, Mirola, da Parma alle Corti d’Europa (at the Labirinto della Masone in Fontanellato until July 28, 2019), article by Federico Giannini.

Works and artists: images of power by Adolfo Wildt, article by Ilaria Baratta.

Rendez-vous: the patronage of Cosimo I de’ Medici, article by Claudia Farini.

Contemporary Lounge: interview with Emilio Isgrò, by Federico Giannini.

Contemporary Lounge: the “chaussures” of Sylvie Fleury, article by Chiara Guidi.

Contemporary Lounge: the art of Fabrizio Cotognini, article by Cristina Principale.

Criticism: Carla Lonzi’s contribution to the study of postwar art, conversation between Michele Dantini and Francesca Della Ventura.

Wunderkammer: Egyptian canopic jars and the finest objects up for auction, for everyone, June through August.

Don’t waste time, subscribe now to receive your new favorite art magazine: click here for all the info.

Subscribe by 19/5 to the print magazine of Finestre Sull'Arte. Your new favorite art magazine
Subscribe by 19/5 to the print magazine of Finestre Sull'Arte. Your new favorite art magazine

Warning: the translation into English of the original Italian article was created using automatic tools. We undertake to review all articles, but we do not guarantee the total absence of inaccuracies in the translation due to the program. You can find the original by clicking on the ITA button. If you find any mistake,please contact us.