TourismA 2018 will take place between Feb. 16 and 18.

The fourth edition of TourismA, the archaeology and cultural tourism fair, will be held in Florence Feb. 16-18.

The fourth edition of TourismA will take place in Florence Feb. 16-18. The 2018 edition sees the participation of about one hundred exhibitors from Malta, Cyprus, Turkey, Maghreb and other areas, each committed to proposing itineraries to an audience eager to “experience the past as a function of the present.”

More than two hundred speakers, both Italian and international, in the thirty scheduled conferences will address the most topical issues related to the “reading of humanity” from its origins to the events of the 20th century.
The themes of this year’s edition are the relationship between art and power, the world of the Etruscans or Italian archaeological activities abroad.

This year, the event dedicated to archaeology and allpromovement of heritage and cultural tourism will have special guests such as Alberto Angela, the event’s godfather, Philippe Daverio, Eike Schmidt, the director of the Uffizi, Fai president Andrea Carandini, Florence superintendent Andrea Pessina, historian and classical philologist Luciano Canfora, Pompeii superintendent Massimo Osanna and Balzan Prize winner Mario Torelli. The event’s program also includes a panel discussion on the great migrations in which to discuss migration flows between past and present, with philosopher Massimo Cacciari, journalist Tommaso Cerno, director of “Limes” Lucio Caracciolo and director of “Archeologia Viva” Piero Pruneti.

TourismA, this year, will also be open to schools and families with seven educational workshops on stone chipping, fire lighting, hieroglyphic and cuneiform writing, how to excavate an Etruscan burial and how to make a mosaic. The event will be inaugurated on the evening of Thursday, Feb. 15, at Palazzo Vecchio (Salone dei Cinquecento, free admission), at which time there will be a lecture “Being born and surviving in the Middle Ages, especially in Florence” by historian Chiara Frugoni and a performance by actor Andrea Macaluso on Giovanni Boccaccio’s Decameron.

To learn about the program in detail you can visit In the photo, Alberto Angela at TourismA 2017

TourismA 2018 will take place between Feb. 16 and 18.
TourismA 2018 will take place between Feb. 16 and 18.

Warning: the translation into English of the original Italian article was created using automatic tools. We undertake to review all articles, but we do not guarantee the total absence of inaccuracies in the translation due to the program. You can find the original by clicking on the ITA button. If you find any mistake,please contact us.