A New Golden Age of Guano: in Milan, the solo exhibition of Andrea Kvas

Ten years after its last exhibition event, Spazio Morris returns to the scene with A new golden age of guano, a solo exhibition by artist Andrea Kvas, hosted April 6 through May 12 inside Studio Giovanni de Francesco in Milan: a large installation whose work in progress the public can witness.

Ten years after its last exhibition event, Spazio Morris returns with A new golden age of guano, a solo exhibition by artist Andrea Kvas, hosted April 6 through May 12 inside Studio Giovanni de Francesco in Milan. A new golden age of guano is an immersive site-specific installation created by Kvas inside the exhibition space in the seven days preceding the opening, during which the public will be able to freely access the work in progress of the work. Starting from an abstract form reminiscent of a bird’s profile, reproduced in a thousand examples, the artist intends to act by layering according to an extremely organic, intuitive and visceral processuality: the image thus becomes raw material capable of saturating the space in various forms and combinations, through the use of synthetic resins, pigments and cellulose slurries.

Andrea Kvas’ work blends an instinctive and playful approach to painting with the analysis and reconsideration of the codes that distinguish this discipline. By radicalizing, deconstructing and reconstructing in particular the relationship between painting and its media, her pictorial research calls for different patterns of fruition; an attitude that has led Kvas to find intersections with sculptural, performative and relational practices. Painting is not understood simply as an object of contemplation, but as a tool for establishing active dialogues with other objects, environments and audiences, with the aim of emphasizing the contingency of materiality.

A text by artist Valerio Nicolai accompanies the exhibition.

Andrea Kvas (1986) lives and works in Milan. Kvas’ solo exhibitions include: BLAC ILID, Fondazione Smart, Rome, 2020; Coppiette, Gelateria Sogni di Ghiaccio, Bologna, 2020; Staring Contest, ErmesErmes, Vienna, 2015; Boy with bucket, Chert, Berlin, 2013; Campo, Museo Marino Marini, Florence, 2012. He has also exhibited in several group exhibitions, including: #80 #90, Villa Medici, Rome, 2019; SUperHost, Like a Little Disaster + PaneProject, Polignano, 2019; Supervulcanos, Tarsia, Naples, 2019; That’s IT!, MAMbo - Museo d’Arte Moderna di Bologna, 2018. Kvas has also taken part in several special projects: Project Room # 3, Archivio Atelier Pharaildis Van den Broeck, Milan, 2019; Lo spavento della terra, Galleria Clima, Milan, 2018; Picchio verde e Dopapine, Casa Masaccio, San Giovanni Valdarno, 2014; Laboratorio, MACRO, Rome, 2011, Laboratorio, Brown Project Space, 2010.

For all information, you can call +39 346 3165454 or email spaziomorris10@gmail.com.

Pictured: Andrea Kvas, Untitled (2021), natural resins, synthetic resins and pigments on canvas, 40x50 cm.

A New Golden Age of Guano: in Milan, the solo exhibition of Andrea Kvas
A New Golden Age of Guano: in Milan, the solo exhibition of Andrea Kvas

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