At the MAC in Lissone, Andrea Fogli's works exhibited at the Effemeridi del Giardino solo show

From May 4 to July 21, 2019, the MAC in Lissone hosts the exhibition 'Ephemerides of the Garden,' a solo show by Andrea Fogli.

The Effemeridi del Giardino exhibition held at the MAC Museum of Contemporary Art in Lissone brings together the main series of works that Andrea Fogli(Rome, 1959) has created from 2002 to the present, drawing inspiration from nature and, in particular, from the plant world. The centerpiece of the exhibition is represented by the Garden, in which, coming out of ourselves, out of the enclosure of the human, we find ourselves in tune with the rhythm, beauty and otherness of nature and the sky.

Of this Garden, the artist follows the “donated images,” especially minimal and inconspicuous ones, such as those he encounters during his “intra muros” walks. As the artist suggests, the word Ephemerides is evoked to denote “daily,” ephemeral and unpredictable appearances: “I had to try to enter this Garden, or Kingdom, from the opposite side, where there is a thicket, without doors or directions, and where you can only follow tracks, go backwards, or rely on chance, on the intuition of an instant that falls on your head.”

At the center of the exhibition, concretely and ideally, are the 59 small and polymateric raw earths of the Garden Ephemerides cycle shaped day after day, from January 19 to March 18, 2019, in different places each time, kneading to clay the elements encountered and collected while walking; each of the “grains” is accompanied by the photo taken in situ and a diary page.

Around the grains will revolve the drawings-impressions of the Planetary Garden (2017/19), made by sprinkling blue crayon dust on leaves and flowers collected in particularly emblematic places, and there made “en plein air” (Todnauberg in the Black Forest, J. Beuys, Monte Verità in Ascona); the drawings of the 59 Grains series (2010/12) depicting natural elements found and collected as “subject trouvé” during city walks; the large paper of the Forest (2002), a vegetal mandala made with small pencil strokes, as if they were identical embroidery stitches; and finally, the images and words found, and recreated, by erasing and repainting in tempera a series of postcards depicting landscapes and gardens(Voyage au centre du monde II, 2018/19), as well as the “apocryphal holy cards” of the 59 Grains series (2010/17) obtained by the same process.

The exhibition opens from May 4 to July 21.

For all information you can visit

Pictured: Andrea Fogli, The Blessed Beaches (2018), series VOYAGE AU CENTRE DU MONDE (II)

Source: release

At the MAC in Lissone, Andrea Fogli's works exhibited at the Effemeridi del Giardino solo show
At the MAC in Lissone, Andrea Fogli's works exhibited at the Effemeridi del Giardino solo show

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