Daniele Lievi's imaginative imagination on display at the Museo di Santa Giulia in Brescia

Through March 14, 2021, the Santa Giulia Museum in Brescia is dedicating an exhibition to artist and set designer Daniele Lievi, featuring more than sixty original drawings.

From February 12 to March 14, 2021, the Santa Giulia Museum in Brescia’s Fresco Rooms will host the new exhibition Daniele Lievi. Secret Papers. Curating the exhibition is Fondazione Brescia Musei to remember the artist and set designer on the 30th anniversary of his death. The exhibition, with free admission by reservation only, presents a selection of sixty-two original drawings not strictly related to his theatrical projects, a sort of personal diary he refers to as “secret papers.” His works testify to Daniele Lievi’s imaginative imagination, as well as his talent declined in a continuous confrontation between line, form and color.

The exhibition at the Santa Giulia Museum is intended to be a journey in the sign of Lievi’s visual poetry, centered on his drawings preserved as a personal diary, to which he devoted himself in search of a free field of experimentation beyond the confines of the theater: an unprecedented space of self-expression with infinite possibilities. Lievi trod the stages of major Italian and European theaters, thanks to his great skill as a set designer, together with his brother Cesare, author and director.

The works on display are accompanied by texts written by Cesare Lievi in the volume created especially for the exhibition Carte Segrete. Tra disegno e scrittura, published by Morcelliana: a special guide to better understand the artist’s figurative work and at the same time a testimony to the fruitfulness of an uninterrupted dialogue between the two brothers.

The exhibition can also be visited in the company of the voice of Cesare Lievi, the artist’s brother, who accompanies in a dramatized audio walk the memory of his brother and the commentary of the works that are the fruit of the happy artistic, as well as family, partnership, which will allow visitors to immerse themselves in the artistic event with its pregnant traits of novelty. The audio guide will soon be available on the bresciamusei.com portal.

Also from Feb. 16, for the duration of the exhibition, free guided tours will be organized every Tuesday and Friday at 3:20 p.m. with reservations required.

The exhibition can be visited Tuesday through Friday, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. (with access for a maximum of fifteen people per hour). Reservations can be made through the bresciamusei.com portal and the Single Reservation Center (open Monday through Sunday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., by calling 030.2977833 - 834 and writing to santagiulia@bresciamusei.com).

Daniele Lievi's imaginative imagination on display at the Museo di Santa Giulia in Brescia
Daniele Lievi's imaginative imagination on display at the Museo di Santa Giulia in Brescia

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