Exceptional private collection of engravings by Albrecht Dürer on display in Genoa, Italy.

From April 18 to June 30, 2019, Palazzo Bianco in Genoa is hosting the exhibition 'Albrecht Dürer (1471-1528). Masterpieces in Burin'.

From April 18 to June 30, 2019, Genoa is hosting, in the rooms of Palazzo Bianco, the exhibition Albrecht Dürer (1471-1528). Masterpieces in Burin, an exhibition that presents an extraordinary private collection of burin engravings by Albrecht Dürer (Nuremberg, 1471 - 1528), a great master of the Northern Renaissance, and who was also a prolific engraver. The collection, which continues to grow over time thanks to the passion and culture of the collector who put it together (and which he plans to leave later to the Gabinetto dei Disegni e delle Stampe in Palazzo Rosso) consists of two hundred folios, including works by Italian artists such as Giambattista and Giandomenico Tiepolo and Giovanni Benedetto Castiglione known as Grechetto, and works by German Renaissance artists such as Albrecht Altdorfer, Hans Sebald Beham, and especially Dürer.

In Italy there are no collections of Dürer’s prints as complete and of such high quality.For the exhibition, the collector (who wishes to remain anonymous) has loaned fifty-four burins and two etchings that offer visitors a true journey through Dürer’s style and technique through the years. They range from the early years with works such as The Holy Family with the Dragonfly or The Young Woman Troubled by Death (both circa 1495), to images of his maturity complex and filled with symbolic references such as The Great Fortune (c. 1501) or The Witch Rides a Goat (c. 1505), burin engravings that are fundamental to understanding the evolution of Dürer’s art, both in terms of technical virtuosity and psychological depth and richness of symbolic meanings.

The exhibition can be visited during the opening hours of the Strada Nuova Museums: Tuesday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. (closes Monday). The visit is included in the ticket for the Strada Nuova Museums: full price 9 euros, reduced 7 euros for the disabled, over 65s, concessionaires and groups, free for under 18s, companions of the disabled and on Sundays for residents of the City of Genoa. The exhibition, realized with the contribution of Esselunga, is accompanied by a catalog published by SAGEP.

Additional information and selection of images of the works on display at visitgenoa.it.

Exceptional private collection of engravings by Albrecht Dürer on display in Genoa, Italy.
Exceptional private collection of engravings by Albrecht Dürer on display in Genoa, Italy.

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