Hopperian, four photographers recreate Hopper's paintings in the present

Hopperian. Social Distancing before Covid-19, the online exhibition created by four photographers recreating Hopper's atmospheres and paintings in the present.

From December 1, 2020 to February 28, 2021, the online photography exhibition Hopperiana will be accessible to all on the Photology Online Gallery platform. Social Distancing before Covid-19 created by photographers Luca Campigotto, Gregory Crewdson, Franco Fontana, and Richard Tuschman.

Hopperiana intends to narrate the melancholy and loneliness of an entire civilization that, having reached the peak of its technological and economic development, has been forced by events to put a halt to its unstoppable advancement and to pause for introspective reflection: a visual narrative of contemporaneity, with its non-places inhabited by figures somewhere between man and mannequin and its lonely, calm atmospheres.

Each photographer in the exhibition adopts the painter’s visual filter and reworks it in a personal way, transforming it into photographic works.

Thus, as in Hopperian paintings, silence dominates in the works of the four authors: the scene is often deserted, rarely is more than one human figure present, and when this happens between the subjects a dramatic estrangement and incommunicability seems to emerge.

Photographers build their “sets” by recreating the atmosphere of Hopper’s paintings. Examples of this are the female figures: charged with strong symbolic meaning, they are depicted absorbed in their own thoughts, looking detached and fixed in the void. Ethereal and inaccessible, they represent that society in which nowadays it is difficult to find one’s place, the same society in which, due to a global pandemic that soon turned into a “social” pandemic, social distancing is no longer a choice but an imposition, as if the reality of Hopper’s works had settled on our present.

Image: Richard Tuschman, Morning Sun (2012). Courtesy Photology Ph.Credit Richard Tuschman

Hopperian, four photographers recreate Hopper's paintings in the present
Hopperian, four photographers recreate Hopper's paintings in the present

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