Italian art on the move in Miami

The third edition of “Miami meets Milan - International Art Exhibition” will take place in Miami from December 6 to 10.
This is an initiative that connects the Florida city with the Lombard capital in order to witness the centrality of the Italian artistic heritage through great names of the past, such as Canova, De Pisis, Pirandello, Guttuso, De Dominicis, but also through talented emerging artists in the contemporary scene.
The project was presented last week at the Chamber of Deputies, where speakers included Salvo Nugnes, Vittorio Sgarbi, the Honorable Ignazio La Russa, Veronica Ferretti of the Buonarroti Museum, Alberto D’Atanasio of the Modigliani Museum, and José Dalì, artist and son of Salvador Dalì.
Nugnes explained how the two cities, although physically distant, are symbolically and virtually united by a profound dynamism and innovative spirit, in which the dissemination of art and culture represent primary objectives. The aim of this project, with a cosmopolitan imprint in any case, in addition to reaffirming the fundamental role of Italian art in the world, is to combine past and present, tradition and innovation, with special attention also to contemporaneity.
And precisely on the subject of contemporaneity, Vittorio Sgarbi, speaking at the press conference, began by recalling the very high value of contemporary art in Italy. The well-known critic, referring to the “Salvator Mundi,” a painting attributed to Leonardo, recently sold at Christie’s contemporary art auction , emphasized how great artists remain, in fact, always contemporary. Sgarbi also wanted to draw attention to the difficulties and hardships that “living” artists are forced to face. “Artists at this time,” Sgarbi said, “are like refugees, they are trying to find a welcome somewhere and often they do not find it in the public sector. For this reason, projects like Nugnes’s,” the critic reiterated again, “acquire a very high value.” This thought was also shared by Jose Dali, who said, "without private initiatives of this kind, many contemporary artists would never see the light.
Ignazio La Russa finally thanked Nugnes stating, “without using any kind of funds, but with a great spirit of initiative and entrepreneurship, ’Miami Meets Milano’ brings great Italian names abroad, producing a virtuous circle for art in our country, a field in which we are certainly second to none in the world.”
The event is sponsored by the Consulate General of Italy in Miami.

Italian art on the move in Miami
Italian art on the move in Miami

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