Rome, artists under 35 on show with one work. Giuseppe Di Liberto presents his Cortei

Until Dec. 11, 2022, the Museum of Rome at Palazzo Braschi presents the work Cortei by Giuseppe Di Liberto. It is the third stage of the Portfolio project conceived and produced by the Quadriennale di Roma.

The Museum of Rome - Palazzo Braschi hosts until December 11, 2022 the third exhibition of Portfolio, a section of the Quotidiana exhibition cycle, conceived and produced by the Quadriennale di Roma, in collaboration with Roma Culture, Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali, aimed at delving into some of the most significant orientations inItalian art of the 21st century.

The Portfolio project, curated by Gaia Bobò, curator-in-residence at the Quadriennale, brings eleven selected artists under 35 to the exhibition once a month with a single work.

The current exhibition through Dec. 11, 2022 is dedicated to Giuseppe Di Liberto (Palermo, 1996). With a performative intervention of the transformation process of matter, the artist dwells on the transience of material as a collective and individual reflection of death. On this occasion he presents Cortei (2022): asculptural work in clay that transforms over the duration of the exhibition. Cortei is made from a scene from the film The Brooklyn Uncle (1995), in which two funeral processions take turns, one pompous, composed of upper-class people, and one battered, denouncing the poverty of its participants.

The two funeral processions depicted meet a different fate: an automatic dripping mechanism wets the first procession to excess, flaking the modeling and returning the clay to a shapeless mass, while the second does not receive the nourishment of water, eventually drying out. The abundance of nourishment, like its absence, leads to the dissolution and disappearance of the form, as a metaphor for the fragility of existence embodied in the sculptural material used.

Hours: Tuesday through Sunday, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Access is free and without reservations.

Photo by Carlo Romano.

Rome, artists under 35 on show with one work. Giuseppe Di Liberto presents his Cortei
Rome, artists under 35 on show with one work. Giuseppe Di Liberto presents his Cortei

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