The Fiorucci world through 200 figurines. Pop Therapy in Modena

The Museum of Figurine in Modena is hosting Pop Therapy until August 25, 2019. Through 200 figurines the Fiorucci world is told.

At the Museum of Figurine in Modena, the Pop Therapy exhibition is running until August 25, 2019, which aims to pay homage to the eclectic genius of Elio Fiorucci through two hundred figurines from the Fiorucci Stickers album, published in 1984 by Edizioni Panini.

The album already comes in innovative packaging: a fuchsia pink and fluorescent yellow binder, resealable by means of a magnetic button, inside of which are 28 movable cards on which to stick the figurines. When it was published, the figurines were considered design objects and it was an extraordinary success, with more than 25 million sachets sold, amounting to 105 million figurines.

The exhibition itinerary is divided into the thematic sections of the album: Fiorucci Story features some of the most iconic images, from the famous white angels developed by graphic designer Italo Lupi in 1970, to the cheeky and provocative advertising campaigns focusing on the nudity of the female body conceived by photographers and graphic designers such as Oliviero Toscani and Augusto Vignali. Electron reveals flying saucers, circuits, robots, and video games that seem to have come out of the MTV television channel; Pin Up proposes the stereotypes of sensual and winking women “made in the USA”; Dance is a compendium of the history of dancing; Romance focuses on love and passion, with quotes from old movies and comics revisited in a pop key; Swim, finally, celebrates beach life and swimwear. The exhibition concludes with a section devoted to Fiorucci stores, whose construction was generally entrusted to important architects and designers such as Amalia Del Ponte, Ettore Sottsass, Michele De Lucchi, Franco Marabelli and Andrea Branzi. On display are studies and plans of the spaces and furnishings, as well as some photographs of the stores, all from the CSAC - Centro Studi e Archivio della Comunicazione of the University of Parma.
The exhibition is enhanced by a selection of objects such as clothes, accessories, tin boxes and vintage magazines loaned by private collectors.

Within the exhibition is the installation by Ludovica Gioscia (Rome, 1977): her works are strongly influenced by the culture and society of the 1980s. Focusing on pattern as a key-element of 1980s figuration, Ludovica Gioscia emphasizes how the interest in fashion and design does not only concern the sphere of creative expression, but the dynamics of a consumerist industrial world within which fashion and design dictate any code.

POP THERAPY is produced in collaboration with Ca’ Pesaro International Gallery of Modern Art in Venice - Fondazione Musei Civici di Venezia.

For info:

Hours: Through June 16 Wednesday through Friday 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.; Saturdays, Sundays and holidays 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. June 17 through August 25 Thursday through Sunday 5 p.m. to 10 p.m.

Tickets: Full 6 euros, reduced 4 euros. Free admission on Wednesdays.

Image: Fiorucci Stickers, 1984 Panini, Modena. From the album for the collection of 200 stickers. Courtesy Municipality of Modena, Museo della Figurina - MODENA VISUAL ARTS FOUNDATION.

The Fiorucci world through 200 figurines. Pop Therapy in Modena
The Fiorucci world through 200 figurines. Pop Therapy in Modena

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