Titian & Titian compared in Ancona

From June 30 to November 30, Ancona welcomes an exhibition that compares the great Titian in his youth and old age.

From June 30 to November 30, 2017, Ancona ’s Pinacoteca Comunale “F. Podesti” will host the exhibition"Titian & Titian. Two masterpieces in comparison."

His two masterpieces in comparison will be two large altarpieces commissioned for the high altars of two churches in the city of Ancona: the church of San Francesco in Alto and the church of San Domenico.

These are the Gozzi Altarpiece, Titian ’s first dated and signed work (1520) made by the artist when he was about 30 years old, and the Crucifixion (1558-59) made by a 70-year-old Titian. A comparison then between his art in his youth and in his maturity made possible by the presence of two paintings exhibited together for the first time.

Curated by Stefano Zuffi, the exhibition is promoted by the Marche Region in collaboration with Msc Crociere.

“Titian, in his nearly ninety years of life, has always painted and with great energy is an overwhelming artist, engaging with his grit and his use, lived and full, of color. The two works, however, are profoundly different from each other, even in technique; one is on panel, the other on canvas. In painting the Gozzi Altarpiece, Titian enjoyed leaving drawings on the back of the panel. His was a consciously and deliberately important work, made specifically in Ancona and not elsewhere. It was in the Marche region that the concept of the architectural altarpiece reached its peak. And it was here, then, that Titian, proposed something different, renouncing architectural perspective and thus placing himself in relation and dialogue with Piero della Francesca, Raphael, and Giovanni Bellini. In the Crucifixion we find him on the threshold of his formidable, very long and lion-like old age. It is here that he leaves the dramatic mark of an intense religiosity and humanity,” explains the curator

Source: press release

Image: Titian, Gozzi Altarpiece (1520; 322 x 207 cm; Ancona, Pinacoteca Civica “F. Podesti”)

Titian & Titian compared in Ancona
Titian & Titian compared in Ancona

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