A prize on Titian for young art historians: here's how to participate

The Titian and Cadore Study Center Foundation is promoting an award on Titian, dedicated to the memory of Gemma Donata Nicolosi Dal Pozzolo. It is reserved for young art historians under 35. Here's how to participate.

The Titian and Cadore Study Center Foundation is initiating an annual prize on Titian Vecellio, named in memory of Gemma Donata Nicolosi Dal Pozzolo (Gorizia, 1940 - Padua, 2021), a great art enthusiast who worked for years as a restorer, devoting herself mostly to the family with whom she shared a love of painting, nature, animals, and truth.

Young Italian and foreign scholars (no older than 35 years of age) who submit an unpublished essay on Titian, dealing with aspects related to biography, production, patronage, collecting, critical reception, restoration and diagnostics, may participate in the Prize. Contributions on the Vecellio family, workshop, close circle, derivations, copies and forgeries are also accepted.

The text must be no less than 20 pages in length (2,000 characters inclusive), including notes, and may be in Italian or English. The texts will be judged by the Scientific Council of the Titian and Cadore Foundation, consisting of leading scholars: Stefania Mason, president, Bernard Aikema, Enrico Maria Dal Pozzolo, Miguel Falomir, Sylvia Ferino-Pagden, Augusto Gentili, and Frederick Ilchman. The winner will be awarded 1,500 euros gross, plus reimbursement of travel expenses (for a maximum of 500 euros) incurred and documented for the award presentation, which will take place in Pieve di Cadore, Titian’s birthplace and the headquarters of the foundation, on July 29, 2021. The essay will be published in one of the volumes of the journal Studi Tizianeschi. The committee also reserves the right to indicate other essays not financially awarded as suitable for publication within the same journal.

Essays must be sent no later than June 10, 2021, with related images, to the Foundation’s email address: centrostudi@tizianovecellio.it. Notification will be given to the winner by July 1, 2021, and made public on the Foundation’s website. For all information you can visit the Foundation’s website.

Image: Titian Vecellio, Annunciation (1520; oil on panel, 210 x 176 cm; Treviso, Cathedral, Malchiostro Chapel)

A prize on Titian for young art historians: here's how to participate
A prize on Titian for young art historians: here's how to participate

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