Ministry of Culture hires: competition for 1,052 vigilantes to be released Aug. 9

The Ministry of Culture lets it be known that on August 9, a call for applications for 1,052 vigilantes will be published in the Official Gazette.

A notice of competition at the Ministry of Culture for 1,052 vigilant positions will be published in the Official Gazette on August 9. From the MiBAC they let it be known that yesterday the RIPAM interministerial commission finished its preliminary investigation and therefore the competition can be launched.

“It had been one of the priorities of my mandate,” said Cultural Heritage Minister Alberto Bonisoli. “I had immediately looked for economic coverage and worked from the first moment to fulfill all the bureaucratic steps as soon as possible. Now we are finally there. This is the first announcement of a series to arrive, in the first part of the legislature, at putting up for competition about 5400 new professional figures that Mibac needs. We have the need and the urgency to deal with the dramatic shortage of personnel due to the lack of turnover in the past years. A problem that none of the ministers who preceded me ever thought of addressing and that has forced Mibac, for years, to manage its heritage with totally insufficient human resources and with very serious consequences on the technical and administrative management of archaeological sites, museums, archives, libraries. The cultural heritage of our country is an extraordinary driving force for the economy, but without staff they do not function or function poorly.”

Of course, this is little for now, especially after the announcements of competitions from six thousand and two thousand posts announced in the first months of the legislature, but the minister again promised that new calls for applications would start soon to arrive at about 5,400 new units (he said that “the biggest recruitment plan in the history of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities is about to start”). Yet these would still be figures that may not be enough to fill the gaps.

A further announcement was then made: the MiBAC lets it be known that the Ministry of Civil Service will soon hold a competition for various entities, and 250 administrative staff for the MiBAC will be included.

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Ministry of Culture hires: competition for 1,052 vigilantes to be released Aug. 9
Ministry of Culture hires: competition for 1,052 vigilantes to be released Aug. 9

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