Museo Diffuso Empolese Valdelsa seeks cultural designers

MuDEV, Museo Diffuso Empolese Valdelsa, seeks cultural designers for 'dinner of museums': considering ideas for promoting the museum system.

MuDEV, Museo Diffuso Empolese Valdelsa, a museum system comprising twenty-one museums in eleven municipalities in the province of Florence, is looking for cultural designers, artists and creatives for the “museums’ dinner”: it is a dinner, to be held in Montespertoli on Friday, December 15, during which ideas for promoting MuDEV’s heritage previously submitted by applicants will be presented. For example: workshops, real or virtual tools, installations, finds of any kind. The project must relate to the territory of Empolese Valdelsa and have a direct positive impact. The goal, the call reads, is “for the citizenry to mobilize for ideas of collective interest.”

The projects will be evaluated by a jury of “diners” during the dinner, and the idea that has received the most support will be actualized. For all information (applications, how to participate and whatnot) you can go to the MuDEV website. The museum dinner is the brainchild of YAB - Young Artist Bay.

Museo Diffuso Empolese Valdelsa seeks cultural designers
Museo Diffuso Empolese Valdelsa seeks cultural designers

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