Bolzano's Museion stays connected with #TeleMuseion

The Bolzano Museion launches #TeleMuseion, a series of initiatives on social and web channels to stay virtually close to the public.

Bolzano’s Museion launches #TeleMuseion, a series of initiatives on social and web channels, with which the museum aims to be virtually close to the public, engaging them with content and insights on the exhibitions and with mediation and remote participation activities.

“In these moments, culture in any form becomes a commodity of primary need; art helps us accept the unknown, the other, and invites us to solidarity. Stay at home, stay with us, with TeleMuseion!” so was the initiative launched by Museion director Letizia Ragaglia through a video message.

The museum has made its holdings available through several digital channels: on the website, videos about the exhibitions and the museum are available on the “Explore” section; the collection catalog is also available online. Museion is also participating in the Google Art Project, with more than three hundred works from the most representative nuclei of its collections.

Content will be posted on social profiles to explore the exhibitions Intermedia. Archive of New Writing and Bestiario de Lenguitas by Argentine artist Mercedes Azpilicueta. Building on this exhibition, #TeleMuseion will offer several remote mediation activities. The fantastic creatures staged by the Argentine artist will be inspiration for video tutorials with objects and disguises to make at home.
In her exhibition, the artist speaks of positively infected bodies; her works oppose irony, chaos and disorder to address a world that demands order and transparency. Themes that will be central to the Museion Ink initiative, Museion’s creative writing workshop dedicated to young people. With #TeleMuseion, the workshop will expand virtually to anyone who wants to participate with their own text, which Museion will then relaunch on its social channels.

In addition, educational materials will be available for students and schools to download from Museion’s website. More activities will be planned in the coming weeks: to stay updated, visit the museum’s website and follow the hashtags #TeleMuseion #museichiusimuseiaperti #iorestoacasa.

Ph.Credit Luca Meneghel

Bolzano's Museion stays connected with #TeleMuseion
Bolzano's Museion stays connected with #TeleMuseion

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