Borghese Gallery membership card is born: unlimited admission to the museum for one year

The Borghese Gallery presents its membership card that allows unlimited access to the museum for one year after its activation and participation in scheduled events and initiatives.

The Borghese Gallery membership card is born, offering loyal visitorsunlimited access to the Roman museum venue for one year after its activation. It allows unlimited entry to the museum upon reservation of individual admissions, participation in cultural events and initiatives organized by the Gallery, and exclusive participation in thepreview of exhibitions.

The card can be purchased online at, or directly at the museum box office or through the reservation center by calling 06 32810.

There are three types of cards to choose from: the Couple Cardat a cost of 45 euros each; the Youth Card (18 to 30 years old) at a cost of 40 euros; and the Individual Card (over 30 years old) at a cost of 60 euros.

Borghese Gallery membership card is born: unlimited admission to the museum for one year
Borghese Gallery membership card is born: unlimited admission to the museum for one year

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