Florence, Opera del Duomo Museum to expand with purchase of Palazzo Compagni

With the acquisition of Palazzo Compagni, the Museo dell'Opera del Duomo in Florence will expand its spaces.

The Museo dell’Opera del Duomo in Florence will expand through the acquisition of Palazzo Compagni, 7/9 Via Bufalini. TheOpera di Santa Maria del Fiore submitted an irrevocable and binding offer on May 27, which was accepted by the current ownership. The final purchase and sale agreement will be signed in February 2023.

Bordering the Museo dell’Opera del Duomo, the purchase of Palazzo Compagni will make possible an expansion and allow those goods still kept in the warehouses to be visible to the public. In addition, the new spaces will lead to a rationalization of all the Fabbriceria’s offices, currently located around the museum complex.

The purchase and renovation will be financed through divestments and recourse to bank borrowing; with the expansion it will be possible to better contextualize the entire Cathedral complex with the works of art preserved by the Diocese of Florence: some of these will be displayed in a part of the new complex.

The history of Palazzo Compagni dates back to the 13th century when the Cresci family owned the complex. In 1525 it passed first to the Libri and then to the Alessandrini family, which owned it until the mid-eighteenth century (1748) when it passed to the Compagni family. On the death of the last descendant (1808) the property was inherited by the Naldini family and then purchased by the Martini family, who owned it at the time of Federico Fantozzi. Later the palace passed from other properties and in 1929 was acquired by the National Accident Fund. The palace appears in the list compiled in 1901 by the General Directorate of Antiquities and Fine Arts as a monumental building to be considered national artistic heritage.

Photo Opera di Santa Maria del Fiore.

Florence, Opera del Duomo Museum to expand with purchase of Palazzo Compagni
Florence, Opera del Duomo Museum to expand with purchase of Palazzo Compagni

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