#ilmuseoincasa: the history of Centrale Montemartini in a series of videos on Youtube

Rome’s Centrale Montemartini is offering, as part of its #ilmuseoincasa campaign, a series of video stories on Youtube to make the museum’s history better known from the comfort of home.

Two episodes are currently available: the first narrates the birth of the Centrale; the second features curator Serena Guglielmi, who takes us back to the early 1900s when the building that now houses the museum was “only” the first public electricity generating plant in Rome.

For these and other videos, you can visit the official Museums in the City Youtube channel by clicking here.

#ilmuseoincasa: the history of Centrale Montemartini in a series of videos on Youtube
#ilmuseoincasa: the history of Centrale Montemartini in a series of videos on Youtube

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