MAXXI Med, a museum dedicated to contemporary art in the Mediterranean, will be born in Messina

Signed in Rome the protocol to establish MAXXI Med in Messina: it will be a museum entirely dedicated to the contemporary art scene in the Mediterranean. It will be based in the Morandi Towers, a building of industrial archaeology (they were the terminals of a power line) and in Villa Pace.

MAXXI, the National Museum of 21st Century Arts, after Rome and L’Aquila, will also have a branch in Messina: it will be called MAXXI Med and will be the reference point for contemporary art in the Mediterranean. Yesterday afternoon in Rome, at the MAXXI headquarters, a memorandum of understanding was signed between Alessandro Giuli, president of the MAXXI Foundation, Federico Basile, mayor of Messina, and Salvatore Cuzzocrea, rector of the University of Messina: the three entities will collaborate on the realization of MAXXI Med, which will be based at the Morandi Towers, an industrial archaeology building owned by the City of Messina (these were the terminal part of the power line that connected Sicily to Calabria: built to a design by Riccardo Morandi between 1954 and 1955, they have been in disuse for about twenty years), and at Villa Pace, owned by the University of Messina. Villa Pace is a historic 19th-century residence (first built in 1853, and then rebuilt in 1915 following the 1908 earthquake).

The protocol includes, among the preliminary activities, the creation of a feasibility study for the recovery and functional adaptations of the buildings and collaboration with international institutions. The new MAXXI Med will be, as mentioned, at the contemporary art scene of the Mediterranean, to explore and deepen the common heritage and cultures of the countries bordering the Mediterranean, with the aim of creating opportunities for comparison and exchange. It will also be a research and training center for new professionals in the cultural sector, as well as an institute aimed at facilitating intercultural dialogue between Europe, the Maghreb and the Middle East through the language of art.

MAXXI Med, a museum dedicated to contemporary art in the Mediterranean, will be born in Messina
MAXXI Med, a museum dedicated to contemporary art in the Mediterranean, will be born in Messina

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