Palazzo Te dedicates 2021 to the myth of Venus

Mantua's Palazzo Te Foundation dedicates all of this year's activities to the myth of Venus

The Fondazione Palazzo Te in Mantua dedicates its 2021 exhibition activities to the myth of Venus, thus completing a cycle on the feminine that kicked off in 2018 with the exhibition on the Annunciation in Titian and Richter and continued in 2019 with the exhibition on art and desire in Giulio Romano.

In ancient Greece, the myth of Venus was recounted as a symbol of harmony and fertility. The Mantua institution has chosen to focus this year’s program on the goddess of beauty and love in response to the present time: starting with Aby Warburg ’s work on the current power of myth and its forms, this myth will be explored to represent the sense of rebirth from antiquity to modernity.

A single masterpiece exhibition in the first part of the year and a major fall exhibition with an international scope are planned. In addition to the exhibition activities, an extensive public program will be offered, including an international conference dedicatedto the theme of Venus, which will be treated not only from an art-historical point of view, but also analyzed through the key of poetry and literature from the classical to the modern age, performance events in collaboration with local cultural associations, talks and meetings at Spazio Te.

For info:

Pictured, Palazzo Te. Ph.Credit Gianmaria Pontiroli

Palazzo Te dedicates 2021 to the myth of Venus
Palazzo Te dedicates 2021 to the myth of Venus

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