Rome, free guided tours, workshops and itineraries for over-65 residents in the I Municipio

From Aug. 18 to Sept. 30, 2022, over-65 residents in Rome's Municipality I will be able to participate in free guided tours, interactive workshops and itineraries in the city. And also to the multimedia project "Travels in Ancient Rome" accompanied by the voice of Piero Angela.

From August 18 to September 30, 2022, the Municipio I of Roma Capitale is offering free guided tours and workshops at museums to over-65 residents in the I Municipio.

Interactive workshops, guided tours and free itineraries: activities taking place at the Ara Pacis Museum, the Museum of Rome and the Museum of the Walls, funded and sponsored by Municipio I di Roma Capitale with the organization of Zètema Progetto Cultura.

In addition to the initiatives in the museums, there are also itineraries in the city, also within the I Municipio, which travel the streets of the ancient Ghetto, the streets and squares favored by the Grand Tour and the many places in the city rich in stories that tell of people and trades, legends and myths, curiosities and secrets. Also among the proposals is free participation for the over-65s of the I Municipio in Travels in Ancient Rome, the multimedia project to relive the history of the Forum of Augustus and the Forum of Caesar through extraordinary projections and accompanied by the voice of Piero Angela. Tickets are free by booking at 060608 (daily from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.).

Participation in the educational appointments, workshops, tours and itineraries is free of charge and is for people over 65 years of age, residents of City Hall I, by booking at 060608 (daily from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.) while places last. Participants in activities at the Ara Pacis Museum (monument area) and the Museum of Rome will receive a free MIC card.

Calendar of appointments

Aug. 19 and 30; Sept. 1, 3 and 4 - 9:30 a.m. (duration 120 minutes), max. 20 participants.
Interactive-emotional workshop Photographs: a journey between memory and image at the Robert Doisneau exhibition in the Ara Pacis Museum exhibition space

Aug. 25 and 27; Sept. 2, 11 and 24 - 10 a.m. (duration 120 minutes), max 20 participants.
Itinerant workshop Rome, yesterday, today and...tomorrow at the Museum of Rome at Palazzo Braschi

Aug. 18 and 28; Sept. 14 and 26 - 9:30 a.m. (duration 90 minutes), max 25 participants.
Guided tour of the Ara Pacis Museum.

Aug. 24 and 27; Sept. 8 and 27 - 9 a.m. (duration 90 minutes), max 25 participants.
Guided tour of the Museum of the Walls

Aug. 22 and 31; Sept. 12 and 17 - 6:30 p.m. (duration 90 minutes), max group 25 participants.
Itinerary The ancient ghetto and its history.
Appointment: piazza di Monte Savello, church of San Gregorio

Aug. 20 and 29; Sept. 6 and 30 - 6:30 p.m. (duration 90 minutes), max 25 participants.
Itinerary The favorite places of the Grand Tour
Rendezvous: Piazza del Popolo (beginning of Via del Babuino).

Aug. 23 and 26; Sept. 23 and 26 - 6:30 pm (duration 90 minutes), max 25 participants.
Itinerary Why is it called that? Streets, alleys, squares, wide streets and arches that tell us about people, trades, myths, legends, anecdotes and secrets
Rendezvous: Benedetto Cairoli Square.

Rome, free guided tours, workshops and itineraries for over-65 residents in the I Municipio
Rome, free guided tours, workshops and itineraries for over-65 residents in the I Municipio

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