Rome, futurist Casa Balla opens to the public for the first time

Giacomo Balla's Roman Futurist home will open to the public for the first time in May. And a thematic exhibition will be mounted at MAXXI.

The Futurist home of Giacomo Balla (Turin, 1871 - Rome, 1958), where the artist lived and worked from 1929 until his death in 1958, will open to the public for the first time in Rome.

Over the course of 30 years, Balla transformed his home into a veritable laboratory of experimentation, with painted walls, furniture, furnishings, decorated utensils, pictorial and sculptural works, clothes he designed and countless objects that created a great overall work of art, a kaleidoscopic total project.

In addition to the opening of Casa Balla to the public, the project, to be held from May 26 to October 24, 2021, curated by Bartolomeo Pietromarchi and Domitilla Dardi, includes a relevant thematic exhibition, entitled Casaballa. From Home to the Universe and Back, set up in MAXXI’s Gallery 5. On this occasion, specially conceived and created unpublished works will be exhibited that reflect on the many suggestions of Casa Balla, bringing out the profound topicality of thought of the multifaceted master.

International artists and creatives, such as Ila Bêka & Louise Lemoine, Carlo Benvenuto, Alex Cecchetti, Emiliano Maggi, Leonardo Sonnoli and Space Popular, are invited to investigate Casa Balla: their productions dialogue in the exhibition space with some important loans by Giacomo Balla.

The initiative is in collaboration with Soprintendenza Speciale di Roma Archeologia Belle Arti e Paesaggio and has the support of MiBACT’s Direzione Generale Creatività Contemporanea and the contribution of Banca d’Italia.

For info:

Rome, futurist Casa Balla opens to the public for the first time
Rome, futurist Casa Balla opens to the public for the first time

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