Teen4Teens: at L.U.C.C.A., young people will be the museum storytellers for their peers

The Lu.C.C.A. - Lucca Center of Contemporary Art launches the new Teen4Teens project: guided tours designed and held by young people for young people.

The Lu.C.C.A. - Lucca Center of Contemporary Art is launching a new project entitled Teen4Teens, created in collaboration with the Lucca Info&Guide association. Teenagers will be the protagonists.

Four young people have been selected (a student at the Liceo Artistico, a graduate student in History and Protection of Cultural Heritage, a student in Ancient Letters and a graduate student in Science of Cultural Heritage) who, after being trained, will become museum storytellers: in fact, they will have to devise interdisciplinary guided tours that twice a month they will offer free of charge to their peers.

The training course will be taught by Maurizio Vanni, director of the Lu.C.C.A. and professor of Museology and Museum Marketing.

“Museology is changing globally,” explains Vanni. "Probably Covid-19 accelerated a mechanism that had already started an evolution and that sees the museum more and more inclusive and present in people’s lives. Thinking about those who are in difficulty or in a fragile state, the elderly, children and families with personalized offers linked to workshops and special guided tours is a must. We must not forget, in particular, even teenagers who live an age of natural rebellion. For them we thought of ’Teen4Teens’: who better than one of their peers knows the language, thoughts, moods, and problems of that age?"

"Starting over from the future? It can be done, trying to turn the museum into a cross-cultural reference point. The museum’s social responsibility requires attention to all segments of the general public: to achieve this, it is essential to come up with tailored offerings," the director concluded.

Ph.Credit L.U.C.C.A.

Teen4Teens: at L.U.C.C.A., young people will be the museum storytellers for their peers
Teen4Teens: at L.U.C.C.A., young people will be the museum storytellers for their peers

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