Thanks for following us again in August: nearly 800,000 readers for Windows on Art

Thanks to you who followed us again in August: 795,000 readers of Windows on Art!

Without unnecessary preamble: in August Windows on Art was read by almost 800,000 people, to be precise there were 795,000 of you*. Really a lot, I thank you all, both You who read us online, and You who read us in our quarterly paper: I thank you because You are the proof that this publishing project is possible. It is possible to create an information product dedicated to the art world, made up of content and insights, updated daily. I thank You because with Your attention, the average time of each of Your visits is close to 10 minutes, 9:58 to be exact, You prove that on the web it is possible to produce even long and articulate content (and You who read and follow us know very well that, in our newspaper, articles exceeding 10 thousand keystrokes are not rare).

I thank you because with Your issues you allow me to respond to all those people who do not realize how dynamic this world of exhibitions, finds, discoveries, publications, decrees, discussions, controversies and, unfortunately, also of damage and theft is. Thanks also to you who follow us on social media (on Facebook, on Instagram, and on Linkedin), who with your interactions, your comments, and by deciding to share one of our contents on your message boards, help broaden interest in the content we offer. This editorial project was born a bit for fun, almost as a bet: a bet among those who thought that we could create an informative and in-depth daily space related to art and its issues. And so, on behalf of myself and the entire editorial staff: a heartfelt thank you, a thank you for taking the time to read and comment on us, even in August.

*Data recorded with Google Analytics and publicly available on Similarweb

Windows on Art
Windows on Art

Warning: the translation into English of the original Italian article was created using automatic tools. We undertake to review all articles, but we do not guarantee the total absence of inaccuracies in the translation due to the program. You can find the original by clicking on the ITA button. If you find any mistake,please contact us.