7 out of 10 insiders disapprove of ecoactivists' actions against art

The Cultural Heritage and Activities School Foundation conducted a survey on the actions of ecoactivists against art. It found that 7 out of 10 insiders disapprove of the actions of ecoactivists, and more than half consider them ineffective (a percentage that rises to 72% among those under 35).

According to a survey by the Foundation School of Cultural Heritage and Activities, 7 out of 10 insiders disapprove of the actions of eco-activists against cultural heritage. Culture, cultural heritage and climate change is the title of the survey that was conducted from April 5 to May 2, 2023, among a sample of the Italian community of cultural heritage scholars, practitioners and professionals, collecting 545 responses. The results are presented at the Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development (ASviS) Sustainable Development Festival.

While raising awareness of the issue was found to be a goal that was substantially achieved across the entire sample (98.2 percent are aware of the negative impact climate change can have on cultural heritage) theother, the research indicated, the Foundation points out, that national and supranational institutions (whose contribution to combating climate change is central for 87.3 percent and 70.1 percent of the sample, respectively), in addition to their regulatory and control functions, can also play a key role on the front of more in-depth information on the issue. 26.2 percent of the sample is still unaware of the recent amendment to Article 9 of the Constitution, which introduces the protection of the environment, biodiversity and ecosystems to the already present protection of the landscape and cultural heritage.

The survey then investigated the issue ofactivism, particularly the actions of eco-activists that involved cultural heritage. It was found that most of the sample (72.6 percent) disapproved of the recent episodes that have occurred on an Italian and European scale, considering them a totally unacceptable means (they are such according to 58.2 percent of the sample) and also ineffective (this according to 55.4 percent). A figure in line with what also emerges from the analysis of the “young” cluster (under 35), whose 67% of the sample do not consider such actions acceptable and 72% do not consider them effective. The survey also shows how such incidents highlight the need to find spaces for confrontation and action and to open constructive dialogues on such an urgent issue.

7 out of 10 insiders disapprove of ecoactivists' actions against art
7 out of 10 insiders disapprove of ecoactivists' actions against art

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