Alessandro Barbero recounts on La 7 Giacomo Matteotti. Fratta Polesine house museum open again.

On Wednesday, June 12, La 7 will air in prime time an episode of "In viaggio con Barbero" dedicated to Giacomo Matteotti, on the occasion of the centenary of his assassination on June 10, 1924. In Matteotti's hometown of Fratta Polesine, the Matteotti House Museum, which has been completely renn

On Wednesday, June 12, La 7 will air, starting at 9:15 p.m. in prime time, an episode of In viaggio con Barbero dedicated to Giacomo Matteotti. This episode of Alessandro Barbero ’s program coincides with the celebrations in Italy and abroad of the centenary of Matteotti’s assassination in Rome on June 10, 1924.

In these months, the anniversary is being commemorated in Rovigo, at Palazzo Roncale, with the exhibition Giacomo Matteotti. A History of Everyone. In Matteotti’s hometown of Fratta Polesine, the Matteotti House Museum, which has been completely renovated in its exhibition itinerary, can once again be visited. The exhibition, restoration and refitting of the House Museum were made possible thanks to the collaboration between the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Padova e Rovigo, the Municipality of Fratta Polesine, the Accademia dei Concordi and other local institutions.

Professor Barbero’s presence in Rovigo was also made possible thanks to the contribution of the Cariparo Foundation, which supported the Rovigo leg of the program as part of the celebrations for the centenary of Matteotti’s assassination.

During the episode, excerpts of the lecture Barbero gave in May at Rovigo’s Teatro Sociale will be broadcast. In a theater packed with young people, the scholar reconstructed the story of the kidnapping and the subsequent investigation, dwelling on the many characters orbiting this crime.

The program, entitled Il caso Matteotti (o i panni sporchi del Fascismo), is part of the series In viaggio con Barbero and is conceived and written by Alessandro Barbero and Davide Savelli, directed by Graziano Conversano, and produced by Ruvido Produzioni.

In the program, a boat trip on the Po Delta offers an opportunity to explore another great passion of the professor: bird watching. In addition, there will be no shortage of historical reflections on the Po River and its relationship with the people who for centuries lived between its fertility and its threatening power. It was in the Polesine that Giacomo Matteotti was born and began his political engagement before moving to the capital.

On June 12, the narrative of the Matteotti murder will therefore stop in Rovigo, involving viewers in a journey through a “black swamp” of deception, threats, blackmail, memorials, denunciations and denials, trials, convictions and amnesties. A lucid and sharp description of the “dirty laundry of fascism” to reflect on the past, present and future of our country.

Alessandro Barbero recounts on La 7 Giacomo Matteotti. Fratta Polesine house museum open again.
Alessandro Barbero recounts on La 7 Giacomo Matteotti. Fratta Polesine house museum open again.

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