Closure of cinemas and theaters? Perhaps born of clash between Franceschini and Spadafora

At the origins of the closure of cinemas and theaters perhaps a clash between Ministers Franceschini and Spadafora: theaters would be sacrificed to close gyms and swimming pools.

Underlying the closure of cinemas and the aters could be reasons that are decidedly more political than scientific: the theaters, in fact, are considered safe places, and so far there has been only one case of positivity among the thousands of spectators who have crowded cinemas and theaters since June, and everyone believes that there were no valid reasons to order the general lockout. An Adnkronos release from 11:41 p.m. yesterday, however, could help shed light on the reasons for the shutdown, which apparently stemmed from an argument between the minister of cultural heritage, Dario Franceschini of the PD, and the minister of sports, Vincenzo Spadafora of the 5-Star Movement.

The agency thus quips last night, “Adnkronos learns that a bitter clash was staged in the morning between Sports Minister Vincenzo Spadafora and Culture Minister Franceschini. Government sources describe a furious Spadafora, over the decision (put in black and white on the dpcm that now seems destined to stay) to close gyms and swimming pools. Spadafora would have strongly remarked on the expenses incurred by entrepreneurs in the sector to comply with anti-Covid regulations, as well as the hundreds of controls carried out by the Nas with zero sanctions to their credit. The minister would also have remarked on the absence of outbreaks born in these facilities from May to the present.”

The pressure to close the gyms would have come from the “rigorist” wing of the government, the one that advocated the most stringent measures, and which has in Franceschini and Roberto Speranza, minister of health, its main exponents. Already last week the Corriere della Sera spoke of a “furious quarrel” between Speranza and Spadafora precisely around gyms: Speranza wanted to close them, while Spadafora was firmly opposed.

Adnkronos thus recounts that last night there would have been “a bitter clash with Franceschini, with the head of Sport clamoring for equal treatment in the face of evidence of equal risks. In summary: if we close gyms and swimming pools, then down the shutters of cinemas and theaters as well. In the end the decision was made to close the whole ’package,’ that is, swimming pools, gyms, cinemas and theaters.” Also during President Giuseppe Conte’s press conference today, journalist Marco Conti of Il Messaggero noted that “we recorded Minister Franceschini’s clashes with Minister Spadafora on sports and the closure of cinemas,” with the result that the premier had to struggle to “find a synthesis in the majority and in the government.”

In short: it thus turns out to explain why a closure, that of cinemas and theaters, seemed unwise to most, and it is also explained why the theaters are closing while masses continue to be celebrated, as so many have wondered in recent hours and as was already pointed out in these columns yesterday evening. Probably because the closing of the halls would be imposed in exchange for the closing of gyms and swimming pools.

Closure of cinemas and theaters? Perhaps born of clash between Franceschini and Spadafora
Closure of cinemas and theaters? Perhaps born of clash between Franceschini and Spadafora

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