Culture appeals to Count: don't close cinemas and theaters, they are safe places

The world of culture appeals to Prime Minister Conte not to close cinemas and theaters, which have proven to be safe places.

The world of culture has appealed to Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and Minister of Cultural Heritage Dario Franceschini not to close cinemas and theaters. In fact, the draft of the dpcm that will most likely be signed today to adopt even more restrictive measures against the Covid-19 contagion provides for a total lockdown for cinemas and theaters, despite the fact that they are safe places (until the beginning of October, no contagion had been recorded in live performance venues, and the same is true for cinemas), and despite the fact that exhibitors have invested in adapting to all the security measures necessary to keep them open. Concerns in the cultural world about the consequences that the closure might entail are therefore alive: it is therefore hoped that cinemas and theaters will be able to continue working. A number of cultural figures have therefore written to the premier to ask that theaters be kept open. Here is the text of the appeal:

"Dear President Conte, Minister Franceschini,

with regard to the intention to close Theaters and Cinemas explicitly contemplated in the draft of the next Dpcm, and any other fundamental places of culture at the moment not made explicit, in an attempt to avert its approval that would have harmful consequences on the entire cultural sector and the spirit of citizens, we call your attention to the following points:

1) live performance workers have put their extraordinary and personal efforts to reopen Theaters and Cinemas in full compliance with health protection protocols. They are safe places where audiences are seated with masks and do not speak during the performance. Exit and entrance are regulated and respect spacing. These venues are now a virtuous example of public space management in an era of pandemic.

2) We have painstakingly won back our audiences, often hesitant and confused by seesaw and anxiogenic communication, to repurchase tickets, reassuring them of the certainty of the performances and the scrupulous adoption of all security measures.

3) As for the theaters, we restarted the production activity of the suspended shows, thus investing again for their remounting. Moreover, all issued vouchers acquired for shows if they were canceled would have to be reissued again so as not to burden the theaters’ coffers;

4) We rescheduled tours, concerts, film releases taking huge risks, thus also investing and betting on the future despite the prevailing state of uncertainty;

5) We got all employees back from Cig, guaranteeing them not only fair pay but above all the dignity of work;

6) The last point to which we request your valuable attention is the most important of all: those who work in the cultural sector are aware of its importance, especially in difficult times such as the one we are facing. It would be a great harm to citizens to deprive them of the opportunity to dream and be transported far beyond the confines of their everyday lives.

It is above all because of the importance of not depriving Italy of its collective imagination that we ask you on behalf of the Associazione Cultura Italiae that I represent, and therefore of all sectors and genres of Live Entertainment, Film Producers, Artists, Exhibitors, Art Galleries, Museums, Concert Halls, to keep all cultural venues open indiscriminately!

We are important to civil society because we support you in your difficult institutional task of keeping the spirits of citizens high, in full awareness of the suffering they are encountering on a personal, family and professional level. It is especially in this second wave that we would need it most.

Theater and cinema cannot stop because they are the invisible reservoir of meaning, for the public and individual lives of our fellow citizens. Let us protect the visible part of this reservoir of meaning.

We trust in you."


Angelo Argento
Giuseppe Laterza
Andrée Ruth Shammah
Ernesto Albanese
Fabiana Cutrano
Alessandro Longobardi
Ilaria Borletti Buitoni
Luca Poma
Monica Savaresi
Giuseppe Scognamiglio
Patrizia Asproni
Luca Scarlini
Jane Thompson
Umberto Mucci
Simona Manzoni
Alberto Improda
Andrea Fabiano
Salvatore Barrano
Stefano Monti
Mauro Berruto
Serafino D’Angelantonio
Francesco Granbassi
Enrico Loverso
Valentina Graverini
Paolo Verri
Andrea Catizione Folena
Florinda Saieva
Serena Marzucchi
Vinicio Marchioni
Fabrizio Fasani
Rossella Menegazzo
Paola Balducci
Marco Bentivogli
Antonio Lampis
Maria Cristina Terzaghi
Giorgia Abeltino
Maria Cristina Vannini
Stefano Miceli
Paola Balducci
Maria Luisa Frisa
Paola Dubini
Alberto Luna
Ludovica Rossi Purini
Michele Pescini
Gregorio De Felice
Daniele Malfitana
Giorgio Ventre

Pictured: security measures at the San Carlo Theater in Naples.

Culture appeals to Count: don't close cinemas and theaters, they are safe places
Culture appeals to Count: don't close cinemas and theaters, they are safe places

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