Free artist films streaming on Mymovies platform

The Art Screen has made available some artist films from its archive on Mymovies.

From March 12 to April 3, 2020, a selection of archival films from the Art Screen will be available and viewable for free streaming on the MYmovies platform. Intent is to bring art and culture into everyone’s daily life to react with an active public sharing proposal to this emergency situation.

So far the following have joined the initiative: Phil Collins, Jordi Colomer, Jeremy Deller, Rä di Martino, Rebecca Digne, Omer Fast, Flatform, Alfredo Jaar, Adrian Paci, Martina Melilli, Luca Trevisani. Free streaming of artists’ films is possible thanks to the partnership with Mymovies and the generous granting of the works by their authors. Thus, Phil Collins’ Marxism today (prologue), Jordi Colomer’s New Palermo Felicissima, Jeremy Deller’s Everybody in the place: An incomplete history of Britain 1984-1992, Rä di Martino’s The show MAS go on, Rebecca Digne’s SEL, Omer Fast’s Continuity, Flatform’s Quantum, Alfredo Jaar’s Le ceneri di Pasolini, Adrian Paci’s The column, Martina Melilli’s Mum, I am sorry, Luca Trevisani’s Sudan are available. At this link the film fact sheets.

“Art knows how to invent solutions that can overcome difficulties. Called by the Art Screen, artists immediately joined in by making their films available. To them goes our most sincere gratitude. Art is always the result of urgency. An intimate expressive urgency that gives creative responses in the form of a work to the stresses of the time. Through its own tools, art generates reflection and sociality by becoming collectively owned. Today that broad and open dimension is nullified, replaced by a new kind of collective emergency with potentially devastating social consequences. This is what we want to react to. If museums, foundations, exhibitions and theaters close, if initiatives are postponed, it is necessary to give a strong signal and bring art into people’s daily lives so that culture continues to nourish the soul and the gaze.”

Image: Rä di Martino, The show MAS go on (2014) Credit Courtesy Sveva Bellucci

Free artist films streaming on Mymovies platform
Free artist films streaming on Mymovies platform

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