George Lucas at the Uffizi: museum visit for Star Wars director

Visit to the Uffizi for George Lucas, the director of Star Wars and Indiana Jones: accompanied by his family, he visited the Florence museum for the first time this morning.

For the first time, George Lucas, the legendary director and producer behind the Star Wars phenomenon, visited the Uffizi Gallery. Lucas, accompanied by his family, arrived at the museum just before 11 a.m. and spent about two hours among the Renaissance masterpieces.

During the visit, Lucas was guided by director Simone Verde through rooms dedicated to Giotto, Botticelli, Michelangelo and Raphael. He admired the Buontalenti Tribune and got a preview of the new spaces dedicated to Flemish painting, which will be opened in the coming weeks. “I am a big fan of the Renaissance,” Lucas said during the tour.

The visit ended with a stop at the Prints and Drawings Cabinet, where Lucas explored the collection of self-portraits of comic book artists, collected in recent years by the Uffizi Gallery.

George Lucas is one of the most influential directors and producers in film history, best known for creating two of the most iconic film sagas, Star Wars and Indiana Jones. Also his is another masterpiece such as American Graffiti. He was nominated four times for Oscars and founded Industrial Light & Magic (ILM), a special effects company that revolutionized visual effects in film, and THX, an audio certification system.

George Lucas at the Uffizi
George Lucas at the Uffizi
George Lucas at the Uffizi, in compagnia del direttore Simone Verde
George Lucas at the Uffizi, in the company of director Simone Verde

George Lucas at the Uffizi: museum visit for Star Wars director
George Lucas at the Uffizi: museum visit for Star Wars director

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