More than 28,000 admissions to Academy Gallery for special free week

From November 5-10, 2019, more than 28 thousand visitors were registered during the special free week. Boom in attendance.

A total of 28151 admissions were recorded during the special free week at the Accademia Gallery in Florence, held Nov. 5-10, a boom in visitors for the famous Florentine museum where Michelangelo’s David is kept. Exactly 18 percent more than the 23783 in 2018 during the same period, when, however, museum entry had been routinely charged.

At the Accademia, the upward trend had already been noted on November 3, 2019, on the first free admission Sunday of the month: for Sunday at the Museum, in fact, there were 7014 visitors, an increase of 7.6 percent compared to 2018.

As for the Gallery of Statues and Paintings, Palazzo Pitti and the Boboli Gardens, the influx was also very positive: 75321 admissions from October 31 to November 3, 2019, in the long bridge of the Family Covenant.

Thanks to the extraordinary free openings, more than 120,000 visitors flowed into the Uffizi Galleries and Accademia over the past twelve days.

Image: the David tribune at the Accademia Gallery in Florence. Ph. Credit Windows on Art

More than 28,000 admissions to Academy Gallery for special free week
More than 28,000 admissions to Academy Gallery for special free week

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