Naples hosts Italy's only academic research center dedicated to urban creativity

Naples is home to the new headquarters of Inopinatum, Italy's only academic research center dedicated to urban creativity.

The only Academic Research Center in Italy dedicated to urban creativity is located in Naples: it is Inopinatum, founded in 2006, whose new headquarters has been located at theSuor Orsola Benincasa University, the largest communications hub in southern Italy. A National Observatory on Urban Creativity that deals with studies, research and projects on street art, muralism,urban design and graffiti art.

Inopinatum was born on the initiative of INWARD and means “unexpected impertinence,” one of the main characteristics of street art, according to the creators.

INWARD’s decision to create an Ateneo research and design center at Suor Orsola Benincasa University in Naples is supported by its research director, Luca Borriello: "Naples has been establishing itself for years as the pioneering Italian city in the dynamics of street art, and since the fascinating complexity of urban creativity offers itself to the best reading and interpretation only through an interdisciplinary lens, we have found the most fertilehabitat for the stabilization of serious research work precisely at Suor Orsola, where the skills and experiences of as many as three Departments will intersect in the various scientific projects to come."

Inopinatum will be based in the ancient cloister of Suor Orsola’s monastic citadel and will bring together experts, including international ones, to competently answer the ever-increasing questions in the field of urban creativity, thanks in part to a thematic network of universities and researchers.

“Creativity has now become a fundamental element not only for the regeneration of urban space but also for its enhancement and management that is finally in step with the times, and the University, which is an indispensable engine for the development of its territory, must be at the forefront in the elaboration of all new forms of activity that can affect the quality of the urban context and the social relations that develop within the community,” said Suor Orsola Rector Lucio d’Alessandro.

Among the various activities of Inopinatum will be the design and conduct of experimental actions, mainly involving the areas of conservation and restoration, marketing and communication, art history, criticism and markets, public administration and private enterprise, organization of cultural events and consumption, copyright, commercial reproducibility, social effects and impacts of urban art on territories and communities, and information, training and consulting for the benefit of entities, businesses and organizations.

For info:

Pictured , the Ponticelli Murales Park, conceived, produced and coordinated by INWARD

Naples hosts Italy's only academic research center dedicated to urban creativity
Naples hosts Italy's only academic research center dedicated to urban creativity

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