Pompeii, tourist carves letters on plaster in House of the Ceii. Denounced, now must repay the damage

On the morning of June 22, a tourist carved some letters on a clear plaster in the House of the Ceii in Pompeii Archaeological Park. Sued, he will now have to repay the costs of fully restoring the damage done.

He was carving the letters ALI on a light-colored plaster in the House of the Ceii in Pompeii Archaeological Park.Park security and reception staff immediately stopped the perpetrator on the morning of June 22. He is a tourist from Kazakhstan. Reported at the Carabinieri fixed post near the Pompeii excavations, he will now have to answer for the damage to heritage. Restorers and coordinating staff from the Archaeological Park went to the site for technical assessments.

“Uncivilized act, thanks to the new law wanted by Minister Gennaro Sangiuliano the offender will have to pay for the restoration of the wall,” commented Park Director Gabriel Zuchtriegel. “Bravo to the collaborators of the Ministry and the Ales company who promptly intervened. Excellent collaboration with the Carabinieri, whom we thank for their timeliness.”

“Unfortunately, even today we find ourselves commenting on an uncivilized and idiotic disfigurement caused to our artistic and cultural heritage,” said Culture Minister Sangiuliano. “After the Roman domus in the Archaeological Park of Herculaneum daubed with an indelible marker, this time there is an engraving on the light plaster in the House of the Ceii in Pompeii. This is a very serious act that will have to be prosecuted severely and, thanks in part to the new law I strongly desired, the perpetrator will be forced to repay the costs of fully restoring the damage done. I thank the MiC and Ales workers for promptly intervening and the Carabinieri who immediately stopped the tourist responsible for this cowardly act.”

Pompeii, tourist carves letters on plaster in House of the Ceii. Denounced, now must repay the damage
Pompeii, tourist carves letters on plaster in House of the Ceii. Denounced, now must repay the damage

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