Salma Hayek visiting Pompeii, photos depopulate the web. She thanks Hosanna

Photographs of actress Salma Hayek visiting Pompeii Archaeological Park are depopulating the web. "I feel a connection to the world of centuries ago," says Salma Hayek, who publicly thanks museums general director Massimo Osanna.

Salma Hayek, the hugely popular Mexican actress of Lebanese descent, was bewitched by the ruins of Pompeii during a recent visit to Italy. Yesterday the actress, famous for films such as Wild Wild West, Once Upon a Time in Mexico, Ask the Dust and especially Frida where she played Frida Kahlo also earning an Oscar nomination, made a post on her Instagram account to describe the experience, and also thanked Massimo Osanna, former director of the Pompeii Archaeological Park and currently general museums director “for the extraordinary experience,” Hayek wrote.

“I feel an undeniable connection to the world that existed centuries ago,” the actress, who signs herself Salma Hayek Pinault on Instagram, having married French billionaire entrepreneur François-Henri Pinault, said in her post. “When you walk through the ruins of Pompeii you can’t help but imagine the life of the people and their spirit persisting in the air. The resilience of its buildings survived to tell stories of triumph and tragedy, of love and loss, all frozen in time. Thank you Massimo Osanna for this extraordinary experience.” Among the comments, also three faces with hearts from the Archaeological Park’s official account.

A great advertisement for Pompeii, although it will be said that, given the very high number of visitors (in 2023 there were almost 4 million, 3,985,424 to be exact, an all-time record), it doesn’t need it, but for sure almost 900,000 likes certainly don’t get thrown away, especially if the testimonial is one of the most famous actresses in the world. Enthusiastic, of course, are the comments from followers. And Hosanna? There must be a special friendship between the two, since Salma Hayek was a guest at the VIP wedding between Osanna and Gianluca De Marchi that took place in Capri in 2022. No post however from the director on his social media.

Salma Hayek in Pompeii Salma Hayek
in Pompeii
Salma Hayek in Pompeii
Salma Hay
ek in Pompeii
Salma Hayek in Pompeii
Salma Hay
ek in Pompeii
Salma Hayek in Pompeii
Salma Hay
ek in Pompeii

Salma Hayek visiting Pompeii, photos depopulate the web. She thanks Hosanna
Salma Hayek visiting Pompeii, photos depopulate the web. She thanks Hosanna

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