Sangiuliano resigned. Alessandro Giuli new minister of culture

Culture Minister Gennaro Sangiuliano has resigned in the wake of the Boccia scandal. Alessandro Giuli, president of MAXXI in Rome, is the new culture minister.

Culture Minister Gennaro Sangiuliano has resigned, after his initial resignation was pushed by President Giorgia Meloni. The resignation linked to the Boccia scandal. In his place, the president of MAXXI in Rome, Alessandro Giuli, has already been sworn in as the new culture minister.

At the Quirinal Palace, Secretary General of the Presidency of the Republic Ugo Zampetti and the Military Adviser to the President of the Republic, General Gianni Candotti, were present as witnesses at the swearing-in at the hands of the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella. Also present were Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and Undersecretary of State for the Presidency of the Council, Alfredo Mantovano.

Sangiuliano explained the reasons for his resignation in a letter posted on the ministry’s website. “After having long meditated, in painful days charged with hatred towards me by a certain political media system,” he wrote in the letter addressed to President Meloni, “I have decided to resign in irrevocable terms as Minister of Culture.I thank you for having decisively defended me, for having already rejected an initial request for resignation and for the affection that you have once again testified to me But I consider it necessary for the institutions and for myself to resign. As you mentioned recently, we are doing great things, and I say this as a political and human community to which I feel I belong. I am proud of what we have achieved on cultural policies in these almost two years of government. Starting with putting an end to the all-Italian disgrace of museums and cultural sites closed during vacation periods, having increased in just one year the number of visitors to museums (more 22 percent) and museum receipts (more 33 percent). In December, Palazzo Citterio, purchased by the ministry in the early 1970sp and then left unused for decades, will open in Milan. Major projects such as the former Albergo dei Poveri in Naples, the expansion of the Uffizi to other locations and the investment for the Venice Biennale are well underway. For the first time in Italy, major exhibitions were organized on authors and historical figures that the left had ignored for ideological reasons. I am aware, moreover, that I have touched a sensitive nerve and attracted much enmity by having chosen to review the system of contributions to cinema by seeking more efficiency and less waste. This work cannot be tainted and especially stopped by matters of gossip. Institutions are too high a value and must not submit to the motives of individuals. I need personal peace of mind, to be next to my wife whom I love, but above all to have my hands free to take action in all legal venues against those who have caused me this damage, starting with an imminent complaint to the Public Prosecutor’s Office, which I intend to file. My honorability is at stake here, and I consider it important to be able to act to demonstrate my absolute transparency and fairness, without involving the government. Never a euro from the Ministry has been spent on improper activities. I have said this and I will prove it in every forum. Not only that. I will go all the way to the bottom to verify whether different interests contributed to the affair, and I will act against those who have published fake news in recent days.”

Sangiuliano resigned. Alessandro Giuli new minister of culture
Sangiuliano resigned. Alessandro Giuli new minister of culture

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