Theaters and cinemas, Franceschini's proposals to CTS to reopen: yes FFP2, no buffer

A meeting was held yesterday between Minister Franceschini and the Technical and Scientific Committee for the reopening of theaters, cinemas and concerts. The minister would propose increased capacity and mandatory FFP2, but is against the mandatory buffer.

A meeting was held yesterday afternoon starting at 5 p.m. between Culture Minister Dario Franceschini and the Coronavirus Emergency Technical Scientific Committee. On the agenda was the issue of reopening theaters, cinemas and concerts: from rumors filtering from government circles, it seems that Franceschini wants to reopen even if he is not pushing for an immediate restart.

In fact, the minister has called for the reopenings of theaters in yellow zone regions, with increased capacities compared to previous protocols. The latter, in fact, provided for 25 percent maximum capacity in theaters, and in any case never more than 200 spectators indoors and 400 outdoors. It seems that Franceschini wants to raise these thresholds, to 500 indoors and 1,000 outdoors: to do so, a proposal is on the table of the CTS to introduce the mandatory use of the FFP2 mask, the one with the highest filtering properties.

At the moment, the compulsory swabbing hypothesis would seem to be averted: still according to rumors, the minister would never propose this measure because it is impractical (a test costs at least 20 euros, and it is unthinkable to make people spend 30 euros to go to see a movie at the cinema: after all, there is also to remember that to go to mass, in a situation similar to that of a cinema or theater, no anti-Covid test is required). The idea of the mandatory tampon of the rest is viewed badly by practically everyone: by users who have expressed their strong opposition on social media, and by professional associations. According to theGeneral Association of the Performing Arts (AGIS), mandatory testing would be “an element of social discrimination, as well as a further disincentive to participation.” AGIS, too, said it was in favor of the FFP2 requirement if it would be functional to increase capacity, and with support for managers if they have to be the ones to provide masks to the audience.

The ball is now in the Technical Scientific Committee’s court, which has listened to the proposals and has asked the minister to send him a summary document today, on which the STC will make a quick decision so that the government can deliberate as soon as possible. Agencies report that Franceschini reiterated that, for the performing arts, the situation is no longer sustainable and that this sector, like the school sector, should be considered essential to the lives of citizens.

Theaters and cinemas, Franceschini's proposals to CTS to reopen: yes FFP2, no buffer
Theaters and cinemas, Franceschini's proposals to CTS to reopen: yes FFP2, no buffer

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