Venice fights for the role of filmmakers and regulation of artificial intelligence

The Italian and French authors' associations joined together for the first time to emphasize the role of the author in the process of creating and making the work and the need for regulation of artificial intelligence.

The Italian and French film makers ’ associations ANAC (Associazione Nazionale Autori Cinematografici), 100autori, WGI (Writers Guild Italia), SRF (Société des realisatrices et réalisateurs de films) and ARP (Auteurs Realisateurs Producteurs) have joined together for the first time to emphasize the role of the author in the process of creating and making the work and to solidarize with their American colleagues who are fighting for the same principles.

On Sunday, September 3, 2023, at 2 p.m. on the Venice Lido at the Italian Pavilion - Hotel Excelsior, the “Declaration of the Filmmakers - Act II” meeting is scheduled, made in agreement with Venice Days. In May, French filmmakers in fact published the Déclaration des Cinéastes with the aim of claiming the right to full authorship of works, fair redistribution of revenues and theimmediate regulation of artificial intelligence. The meeting to be held today in Venice therefore aims to revive the debate to protect the status of authorship.

“We must prevent the creativity and experience of those who do this work from being replaced by mathematical models and the few players who control global production from erasing the moral rights of authors and imposing unacceptable and unsustainable economic conditions,” said ANAC President Francesco Ranieri Martinotti. “A resistance, that of authors, which cannot be addressed only in the national sphere, but needs an international scope and a strategic alliance with the ’real’ independent producers.”

“Our battle is not only about the defense of cinema or culture. It is a social and civilizational battle, a crucial moment in our history. Our role is to offer citizens free and very different points of view on the world, not standardized works that will soon be created by AI, restricting our ability to understand a complex world,” said Radu Mihaileanu, AARP Vice President. “AI as a tool in the service of man, yes, but AI as master of man, no, and master of thought, never!”

Venice fights for the role of filmmakers and regulation of artificial intelligence
Venice fights for the role of filmmakers and regulation of artificial intelligence

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